The timeline is occur at stackoverflow for all question/anwser.
We can see who is vote up or down their question.
This is neccessory or privacy?
The clock icon in the sidebar was added very recently, but it links to a page that has always been visible. It is not possible to see who downvoted (or upvoted) your post in the timeline view. There are no privacy concerns here.– Cody Gray ModCommented Jan 17, 2020 at 8:08
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It's just a summary of what you can already find on the page, just grouped together by date. It does not show who actually up-voted or down-voted the question or answer. For example, you now have a downvote on this question (not by me), but you can't see who it is in the history. So it isn't a privacy concern, if that was your question.
Oh, "I cannot see who is downvote.", "and when this option is appeared?" Commented Jan 16, 2020 at 17:58