I have tried to find a list of the "most question posters" on Stack Overflow, but I haven't been able to do so.
I always wondered if I'm the one with the most questions...
I have tried to find a list of the "most question posters" on Stack Overflow, but I haven't been able to do so.
I always wondered if I'm the one with the most questions...
The following SEDE query does that for you:
It takes your userid to show where you are in the overall ranking of askers and then the top 50,000.
;with askers as
RANK() OVER(order by count(*) desc) [rank]
, concat('site://users/', owneruserid, '|', displayname) [User name]
, owneruserid
, count(*) [Questions Asked]
from posts
inner join users on owneruserid = users.id
where posttypeid = 1 -- Q
group by owneruserid, displayname
select rank, [User name], [questions asked]
from askers
where owneruserid = ##userid:int?1390192##
union all
select rank, [User name], [questions asked]
from askers
When run today this will be your result:
You can find the documentation for the database schema in Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE
Keep in mind SEDE is updated once a week on Sunday.
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