There's already a question on this topic here: What should I flag homework/tell me what this does questions?. Unfortunately it doesn't have an answer.
There's another question about how to ask good homework questions: How do I ask and answer homework questions?, which is great, but this is about lazy homework questions, specifically how to flag them.
Then there's another question here: Please clarify the policy on homework questions. The answer to that question just adds to the confusion.
How do I flag obvious lazy homework questions?
The reason I'm asking this is because I want to vote to close this question: Assembly language multiplies two single precision floating point numbers.
It's clearly not a good question, at a minimum because it doesn't include a summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem.
I had a look at the "off topic" flag options, but none of them fit:
The question is not a duplicate (I don't think), it's on-topic, it doesn't need more clarity (what it's asking is clear, as is the case for all homework questions), I suppose it might need more focus (kinda?), and it's not opinion-based. It's still a terrible question though.
How do I flag it? I seem to recall there used to be a homework flag..
EDIT: There's some close votes piling up from other answers that refer to "too broad" as the correct flag. Too Broad is not an actual option you can click, so I don't see how those links are a useful replacement for this question/answer.