Today I encountered two foreign-language questions, both of them looking acceptable, but are posted in this English-language site rather than their respective foreign-language StackOverflow sites.
Erro no envio de formulário Ajax [Portuguese]
Plugins jQuery en Angular sin npm [Spanish]
At that time, I am neither proficient in Spanish nor Portuguese; and I also have to consider moderators which aren't proficient in these languages as well.
The first question, which is Portuguese [notice the ã] is about an Ajax and UTF-8 error involving an IllegalArgumentException, and contains four code parts each representing a part of his code. This one hasn't been negatively received yet.
The second one, which is Spanish [notice the el, la topics, and the y], is probably about JQuery and Angular, and how to use NPM to add JQuery in Angular. At the time of posting it is at -1.
I have flagged these posts as off-topic or unclear because they are foreign-language. Is it better to fire a custom diamond-intervention flag, stating that this foreign-language post either has to be closed or migrated if the foreign-language site exists, or just flag/vote for closure?
[Update: Not recommended to custom flag; the odds are known to be very low. See the community wiki question, How do I deal with non-English content? ]