The following comment causes Stack Overflow to render the comment incorrectly, based on the documentation for Comment Formatting:
I think I see what you're doing. You really only need one example of calling `Start-Process "X:\MSI\YourMsi.msi" "/qn" -PassThru | Wait-Process;\` to make your point. The rest is just noise; I thought at first that you had to install some of that stuff to get MSI installation to work, when really all you need is `FROM` or any Docker image that allows running PowerShell Core scripts (`microsoft/windowsservercore:latest` is dependent on the Docker registry's value for latest, so your mileage may vary).
This renders as:
The following seems to work, albeit it's a hack and painful to use:
I think I see what you're doing. You really only need one example of calling `Start-Process "X:\MSI\YourMsi.msi" "/qn" -PassThru | Wait-Process;\` ` to make your point. The rest is just noise; I thought at first that you had to install some of that stuff to get MSI installation to work, when really all you need is `FROM` or any Docker image that allows running PowerShell Core scripts (`microsoft/windowsservercore:latest` is dependent on the Docker registry's value for latest, so your mileage may vary).