A fairly controversial post was made and an close/open/delete war happened. During one of the rounds of opening, the original poster was involved in casting a re-open vote. Is this intended behavior? If so, is there specific reasoning why one is able to cast a reopen vote on their own post? At a surface level this appears to go against some of the precedent of other privileges. We don't give users full control over deleting their own posts (at least one positively up-voted answer, un-deleting). Voting to re-open your own post appears like it would be disallowed along these same lines, even if it still needs the help of others. But maybe it's different. I'm wondering if there was at one time a discussion over the ability to self open, and what those arguments where.
EDIT: I should add that while some people may think that having 4 people review it is still enough, when the new 3 vote system comes in place, this becomes effectively 2 other people. SO did not always have 5 votes to open/close either, so I'm wondering if this came up in the previous long term 3 vote implementation.