To the moderators who've recently decided (or been forced) to resign their positions...

What could Stack Exchange Inc do to change your mind?

Clearly you don't expect the company is capable or willing to change, else you'd not be resigning. Most of you have done a fine job of articulating your reasons for leaving. You have widespread support among your fellow moderators and contributors to SO. We all thank you for all you've done to help build the fine resource that is Stack Overflow.

I'd like to provide a place where you may, should you feel so inclined, provide a final, concrete set of specific actions that, if taken by management, would lead you to want to continue your great work here.

  • 76
    Revealing the company's goal could be convincing. This is ultimately a dispute over who is in control over the sites' governance, the users and moderators that are present every day and know what works or a company that owns web servers and whose employees never involve themselves. Seeing the most influential people quitting their contribution serves the company quite well, so no motivation at all to reveal anything. Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 21:53
  • 45
    We need a whistle-blower. Not unthinkable, if I guess at the goal correctly then there are several employees whose prospects will be limited. Not so sure they know however. Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 21:56
  • 1
    @kjhughes thank you so much for asking this. I don't blame the mods who have left. I also think it serves us well to do everything we can to save the ship. Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 23:25
  • 1
    @JamesKPolk can you please clarify what exactly is that "inherent conflict", especially currently? For long time the goal (at least stated one) was "let's produce a lot of high quality content so everyone visits our site" and I don't see how there is huge conflict you claim... Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 0:37
  • 6
    @AlexeiLevenkov: Perhaps I'm wrong, I'm no business expert. When I put myself in the shoes of someone trying to maximize revenue for stackoverflow, I find myself prioritizing things very differently. Let me give a non-answer by turning it around: if there were no conflict then my strawman "just keep the servers running and leave the rest to us volunteers" would be an excellent solution for everyone. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 1:24
  • 5
    This present mess is a nice gift for the new CEO. No, really. It may not look that way, but consider: Pretty much anything he does will be better as long as it's different from the current situation.
    – Ryan Lundy
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 8:01
  • 17
    Well, doubling their pay will probably not work:) Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 13:26
  • 7
    They could start by being honest about any situation wherein people consider them to be at fault. Communication and honesty is the key to any relationship. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 17:55
  • 11
    While a great prompt that will promote useful discussion, my experience in having left a company (followed suit by others) is that 1) the question needs to come from management, 2) they must propose actions first, and 3) this needed to happen sooner. Asking after someone leaves or even right before the breaking point is too late. Emotions are at a high and trust is at an all time low. That leads to discussions and negotiations that hurt in the long run. Coming back after such negotiations leaves a poor aftertaste and ultimately falls apart in the long term. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 18:19
  • 9
    We need @HansPassant to take over as CEO. No, I'm not trolling.
    – Ian Kemp
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 20:44
  • 6
    The only correct answer is for SE to stop dictating and start listening and showing they value invested users again, and their actions so far have made it quite clear that they aren't interested in doing that. So unless they collectively pulls their thumbs out, there is nothing we as users can do, and no amount of "what if" questions are going to change that.
    – Ian Kemp
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 20:48
  • 13
    Nothing. The damage is done. The network is in a death spiral.
    – James
    Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 12:16
  • 3
    @RyanLundy The little conspiracy theorist sitting on my shoulder is whispering in my ear that all "this" has been engineered by the CEO so he could swoop in and save the day. (In 6-8 somethings...)
    – Zev Spitz
    Commented Oct 22, 2019 at 15:33
  • 10
    @SamuelLiew Why was this featured now?
    – jpmc26
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 22:56
  • 2
    @jpmc26 presumably because Yvette posted an answer asking why she wasn't reinstated yet.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 14:01

8 Answers 8


Step 1: Start With Why

Let me say first off that the community itself has done an extraordinary job surviving these... entanglements. It is a testament to how much people care that they're still coming here, day after day, to answer questions, edit questions, vote to close, vote to reopen, and flag posts for attention. That isn't dedication that can be bought or sold; it comes from believing in a vision and continually executing towards that vision.

The original vision of Stack Overflow was a community where programmers could come together to share knowledge, and in that process of asking questions and getting answers, could create a repository of complete programming knowledge.

If I had to put it in 'vision-y' terms, I'd say the original vision was to put the best knowledge of programming topics at everyone's fingertips. Or, to make that vision more generic: To foster a community dedicated to putting their knowledge at all people's fingertips.

If you asked me what the "Why" (Simon Sinek: "How great leaders inspire action") behind Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange is, that's it.

That why is critically important -- it's perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle. Understanding the new "why" allows us to decide if we buy-in to that, and if so to start executing towards it. It also allows people who don't agree with that vision to self-select out of it, which is also critically important. You want people to be a part of a community whose purpose they believe in.

Stack Overflow needs to figure out the "why" behind their Public Q&A. Why should people care? Why should they contribute? Why does it exist?

Step 2: Listen

(Whether you do step 2 first or second doesn't really matter; for our purposes you could even do them simultaneously).

Stack Overflow needs to learn how to listen again. The people here love Stack Overflow and are willing to dedicate their free time to making it better. Some people here have spent 11 years dedicating their free time helping any way they can. Can you imagine spending 11 years of your life doing any one thing? Probably not. And yet, it's happened here, for hundreds if not thousands of people. In my case, I've been helping Stack Overflow for as long as I've known my wife, and nearly as long as I've been programming in the private sector. These people who have dedicated their time have done so because they believe this is a relationship. This isn't a transaction -- this experience of devoting time to Stack Overflow is as serious to them as investing in any other relationship they have.

One of the most important components of a relationship is listening. Not to talk, not to respond, but to listen. To let that person you're in a relationship with tell you everything they feel they need to, and then to ask probing questions to understand more. Agreement isn't the goal, understanding is.

Stack Overflow has forgotten that. They forgot how to listen and forgot how to have a relationship with their community. So the next step is to listen. Whoever is the person in charge, their job is to seek out every meta thread they can, and listen. Be present. Respond by asking clarifying questions, or questions out of curiosity. Seek to understand the world as those that spend their time dedicated to making Stack Overflow better. There are two really important parts: The listener needs to be the person in charge of making the decisions; and they need to spend as long as needed to be able to say "I'm listening" and have it be believed. Funny enough, Jeff called me once on the phone and we talked for 45 minutes. It doesn't scale, obviously, but that's the level of listening we're talking about here.

Step 3: Patch up the holes

Once you've listened and once you've figured out your "why", the next step is to patch up the holes caused by the last few months (really since 2014, but first things first). Even if you believe that this community is not salvageable, and you'd be better off not engaging, there are two issues with that point of view.

  1. Everyone's watching, and they'll see how you treat people you dislike, and decide they don't want to ever fall into that category so it's easier not to volunteer, and
  2. you're going to need some of the people because they're your power users, and they aren't easily replaced. You're talking years to replace the work and effort the power users put out.

Include these power users; schedule conferences with them; send them drafts, ask them how they feel about your "why". Some of these could be moderators, but they don't have to be -- you're looking for the leaders in the community. If you haven't found them after Step #2, then you've probably not been paying enough attention.

Your goal is to find the common ground with them, and to relentlessly maximize that common ground. -- It's not to change how they think; it's to see the overlap in worldviews and use that as a means of diplomacy.

Step 4: Re-establish trust

You've got some pretty big holes to fill. There are 170 communities, 600 moderators, and 3 CMs. Your biggest step at this point is to re-establish the trust, and you do that by showing that you've listened and that their concerns are your concerns. Bring your spirit of collaboration, and be vulnerable. Don't hide the problems, speak of them openly. Speak of your financial issues that cause you to be concerned about the health of the site. Speak about the uncertainty. Embrace it. You don't have to have the answers. We can help.

Step 5: Collaborate with the whole community at ideation.

Coming up with solutions and sharing them with us is a recipe for disaster, as you've seen. You have a community full of problem solvers. Bring us the problem. "Our numbers are falling, and that puts a downward strain on the viability of Q&A. We have some ideas on how to fix that, but what are the problems that are causing that from your perspective?"

It costs you nothing to collaborate with us -- nothing forces you to use our answer, and the interchange of ideas ensures your community feels heard.

Finally, trust and re-empower your community managers to speak on behalf of the company. At some point, allowable communication from the company became centralized and de-humanized, to the detriment of all involved. Bring back the human part. Empower your CMs to make and drive community building and community decisions. They're on the front lines, they've invested years into establishing trust with the community. Take advantage of that trust.

  • 116
    Wow, this is really good advice. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 5:42
  • 9
    ^ seconded. It wasn't the lack of agreement with us that bothered me, but I couldn't put it exactly into words what it was that did. Thank you for articulating it so well George. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 6:02
  • 48
    Brilliantly put George. Heck, even if they don't follow this advice in a "genuine we respect the community" point of view, then someone needs to understand that it must be done from a business point of view anyway (the two things are far less distinct than I think the powers that be truly realise (although pay lip service to))... If I were a potential investor I'd already be put-off, and if the bleeding continues, no one's going to want to use, let alone invest, in anything SO branded... Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 7:10
  • 4
    In that one "business insider" interview, the new CEO says that the "community is in the DNA". Maybe that is the problem, how on earth are they supposed to talk to their DNA? OK, seriously: thanks for keeping the constructive, positive attitude. But I can't help myself and wonder "how can you tell people to listen to you ... when they aren't listening to you".
    – GhostCat
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 9:00
  • 12
    ESR predicted how this "public Q&A platform" and "repository of complete programming knowledge" would slowly die by "hypercourtesy" back in 2001, before it even was born. Sad, but inevitable. However, if to discard community, then we still have the experience and the amassed body of knowledge. Even obsolete FAQs have much value, and this one yet have years ahead before becoming obsolete. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 10:47
  • 17
    George, you have my vote for CEO of the company and to implement the 5-steps plan. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 12:31
  • 9
    Somebody on staff at SO really needs to take this back to the company. I love the anecdote about Jeff, that's the kind of thing that has been lost since his departure. I know Jeff's busy with Discourse, but maybe his intervention is required to help put SO back on course. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 12:39
  • 3
    @DavidG, you see it all the time with big companies when they've lost their way, what SO wants is irrelevant, it's what they need that matters. But yeah, I think Jeff is rightfully very happy with Discourse, there's nothing stopping him from having an advisory role at SO though whilst still working on Discourse. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 13:21
  • 13
    Step 6: When launching new features or presenting new ideas, have the person ultimately responsible for that feature present it to the community. Instead of sending forth some poor cannon fodder dev or CM, who can't actually change anything or withdraw the bad idea.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 13:57
  • 9
    I think, also, if the "why" has indeed changed and community members aren't with the new vision, that they be able to take their contributions with them. Otherwise it seems like a bait-and-switch. I donated my time to something specific, if this isn't it anymore, I want my contributions back. One of my biggest issues with this whole thing is the apparent attitude from SE that they got what they needed from us, so we as people are now superfluous to the new goal. If that's the case, let me take my value elsewhere, don't hold it hostage and brush me off. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 14:27
  • 2
    @ChrisBaker I see, you were talking about removing it from SE too. Sorry, my mistake!
    – divibisan
    Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 14:49
  • 3
    @ChrisBaker To be fair the bait-and-switch was completely open and you signed up for it when joining. You gave SO an indefinite license on your work. 3 weeks ago, if somebody had asked me if there was a chance of SO going down soon I would have said no way. Now I'm not so sure anymore. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 15:38
  • 7
    @Trilarion Well, it's an open debate about the license thing, since I never authorized the license to be changed without my consent. But anyway, yeah, three weeks ago I would have reacted extremely negatively to the suggestion that I leave SO or stop contributing, because I thought the contributions and the contributors mattered. If a long-standing mod can't even get a fair shake, I have zero hope in having my own concerns addressed. I regret being naive enough to think this couldn't happen. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 15:43
  • 14
    As good as your recommendations are -- the critically necessary first step to regain trust is missing: Restore Monica's privileges, immediately. Her demotion was wrong in process and in fact and should be considered null and void. No process is needed to "reinstate" her; the demotion was never valid. That pebble set off this avalanche, and the avalanche won't stop as long as SE Inc. insists on perpetuating this mistake, no matter how much they try to fence it in. Commented Oct 24, 2019 at 9:03
  • 3
    Apart from that, a mass departure could easily turn into a business rival, if some of the power users that leave decide to start their own site. While this wouldn't hurt at first, it could cause significant losses to the company in the long run (or fizzle out entirely, either way). Commented Oct 25, 2019 at 0:58
  1. Unconditionally reinstate Monica's moderator privileges, on all sites.
  2. Keep political causes out of the SE platform.
  3. Spend some time getting to know the communities, how they work, and the value that they provide. SE has forgotten how their communities work and why they are so important.
  • 34
    #3 needs concrete actions, not just the lip service they've paid for the last 18 months.
    – fbueckert
    Commented Oct 21, 2019 at 16:11

There's a number of problems that boil down to this one problem

Actions are now being driven by fear instead of Community

I posted this a few weeks back, while it was just starting to heat up

People love this community. They want it to succeed, so much so they spend their own time and money (such as SoBotics and Charcoal) making sure it operates smoothly. The message being sent right now is that SO/SE really doesn't need curators or moderators. Even if you apologize right now, reinstate Monica, and convince the exodus of moderators to stop the damage may already be done. Those trusted curators may not ever come back, or even care enough to contribute. That was what Reddit missed. They tried to stem the anger over a poorly handled termination, when they had alienated the community at large and the firing was merely the catalyst.

Even if you take the least cynical view of the Monica situation, it's still hard not to see that Stack Overflow wants us to be afraid of the new rules, especially when a community manager retweets things implying that if you disagree in the slightest, you have no place in SO.

The purely cynical view here is that Monica was fired to drive home just how serious SO is about trans rights, and that we should take the new CoC seriously... or else. To date, SO continues to let the situation fester by saying Monica was fired for violating the old CoC, but not what specifically. You have to feel bad for Cesar M, sent out to die on the hill of explaining how the CoC isn't going to do to us what it did to Monica. There's now 17 sub-rules (and counting) to the main rules.

All of this has replaced community. A place where we could try to belong, and if we hurt someone unintentionally, there was no fear of a banhammer falling on you. Whatever happened to honest discussion, where people who felt something was wrong could at least say so? (not that Meta has ever been a kind place) I'm willing to bet, most of the moderators that have walked out (or those who would consider running) are not keen on being the bouncers for a poorly understood and implemented policy.

Until the time that SO has our backs again, I don't see any improvement.

  • 14
    “especially when a community manager retweets ”. Actually it was Ms. Sara Chipps, "Director of Public Q&A" Commented Oct 25, 2019 at 22:35
  • 2
    "The purely cynical view here is that Monica was fired to drive home just how serious SO is about trans rights, and that we should take the new CoC seriously... or else." No, you can easily be more cynical than that. Example: SO is now dominated by ideological radicals that actually do not wish to tolerate differing beliefs on trans issues, even if you're willing to go quite a ways toward trying to peacefully coexist alongside people you strongly disagree with.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 22:48

I'd say it's gone a bit beyond anything they can do with words. They will have to show action, and it has to be something serious. I would expect nothing less than putting a mod at the board of directors table similar to how some companies might have a union rep there.

Anything that is less serious than that can be a sop to everyone just to make the current problems blow over, and once forgotten, start to implement changes that reduce the volunteer mods further - there's nothing a CEO likes less than the peasantry causing him a headache. So I, right now, expect SE will start to employ moderators instead and that'll be the end of "community involvement".

To ensure the community is fully involved means they have to be fully included in all the planning and policies going forward, I can't see much else being realistic now.

However, there's still the idea that the company is moving in a direction that is not compatible with the community. I can easily see questions being asked, and answered by employees of other companies (e.g. Microsoft currently uses GitHub for its documentation, there's no reason they can't start describing how-tos, samples, and documentation on SE instead). SE gets revenue, Microsoft gets information to all its developers, the community... is surplus to requirements.

  • 8
    Most constructive comment this relative newcomer has seen, so far, in this passionate debate: "I would expect nothing less than putting a mod at the board of directors table similar to how some companies might have a union rep there." Commented Oct 21, 2019 at 15:41
  • 3
    That's asking a lot of any mod.
    – holdenweb
    Commented Oct 21, 2019 at 16:23
  • @holdenweb I believe that company directors are usually compensated, enough so that a couple of directorships constitute an entire salary.
    – Taryn
    Commented Oct 28, 2019 at 20:08
  • True, but that depends very much on the company and the services being performed for it. It also requires a rather different skill set, which without training few developers are going to possess. And if two directorships are required where do you imagine the other one is going to come from?
    – holdenweb
    Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 7:26
  • @holdenweb the people performing mod duties come from all walks of life, and SO isn't the only site in the family. A mod from politics or the workplace might already be a non-exec!
    – gbjbaanb
    Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 10:25
  • That would be little better than emplying moderators, as such people would be wholly dependent on SE for their income. Surely that wouldn't be a healthy position, since they'd hardly be in a position to stand up against the company line.
    – holdenweb
    Commented Feb 1, 2020 at 14:31

Reinstating the moderators who have applied for reinstatement would be helpful.

They've denied at least two Stack Overflow moderators requests for reinstatement under the new moderator reinstatement process. This is a bit rough considering when they stepped down there wasn't such a process and at least one was expecting to have returned by now and told so by the community management team.

There's a lot of inconsistencies and betrayal here that makes it hard to trust the site.

One thing I would like to know, if moderators have no say in who is community elected, how can they veto a moderator from returning? This is based on personalities and not on the election. If the moderators can veto people on being reinstated, wouldn't it follow those same moderators may object to the person being elected in the first place, and so giving a small number of people power to decide who gets in only further erodes the democratic process. That's providing the site wants a democratic process or just the illusion there is one or maybe they do not want one at all.

I'd like some answers there.

But hey, I may end up being denied reinstatement again for posting this answer, as I predicted in a previous meta post, where the reasons I was given was for posting on meta (this was the only post), although I was then told I was allowed to post on meta.

I'll reiterate:

Even writing this, I'm wondering, will this affect my chances of being reinstated as a moderator. It's really not a nice atmosphere.

Love us or hate us as moderators, your community elected moderators are now being prevented from returning at the hands of a few people, both from the community team and/or the moderator team. Is that what is good for the site?

  • 12
    Curious, I was unaware this happened. Guess transparency and community involvement were never part of the moderator reinstatement process.
    – Erik A
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 9:16
  • 6
    I'd love to see you back and helping us with the flag queue. Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 12:38
  • 8
    I'm getting a strange impression that "This is not personal" is only a one-way street.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 12:45
  • 4
    @ErikA I was reinstated on Pets as a moderator and not on Stack Overflow, the other moderator was not reinstated on any sites. I've reapplied again to be reinstated and will continue to do so until they reinstate me. It is unfair.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 12:51
  • 1
    @Scratte in what way do you mean "this is not personal" - just unsure exactly which part of this you're referring to.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 12:52
  • 8
    @Yvette Now I'm even more confused, since afaict there's nothing site-specific in the reinstatement process. Apparently SE did think you were fit to be a moderator else they wouldn't have reinstated you on Pets. I'd certainly like having you as a mod again, appreciated your different viewpoint on some of the meta issues and I think that's a great thing to have.
    – Erik A
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 13:01
  • 13
    I wish I could up vote this million times. Moderators have been elected by community. The ones that stepped down did that as form of protest, not because they were at fault. They should be able to get their moderator privileges back, if they want to without going through any kind of reinstatement process.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 13:33
  • 2
    In these times, when the site is lacking moderators, it feels like a very poor move to hold back on moderator reinstatement.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 13:38
  • 5
    @Yvette Mistakes (if any) made by a community member seem to be a personal mistake with personal consequences. It doesn't seem to be so if the mistake is made by individuals that is.. well.. "not part of the community"?. Also, the reinstatement process seems very odd, since I assume votes to reinstate suddenly have a lot of weight, depending on the vote type itself. I get the impression there are veto-rights, which make just one vote decide the outcome. If this is the case, the process is now rigged and includes a warning to anyone who dare say "Stop! This is all wrong!".
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 13:55
  • 5
    @Scratte ah, thanks for the clarity. Yes, potentially one person, either an employee or moderator has veto rights. So, even without breaking the code of conduct, we can be vetoed. Insanity and feels like betrayal. It's hard work being elected as a mod and not everyone like every mod, but face it, a lot of people vote for those mods, so there's a reason they're elected. Not to mention I handled 75,000 flags and the thank you I get it, reapply again later. Well I have reapplied later and am waiting.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 14:15
  • 1
    Thanks to all for your support. I won't reply individually to everyone.
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 6, 2020 at 14:15
  • 2
    Now I'm even more confused, since afaict there's nothing site-specific in the reinstatement process. @ErikA The first note at the end of the process: "...the outcomes for each site can be different given the first step in the Execution Phase..." The first step of the Execution Phase is consultation with the current moderation team, hence Yvette's suspicion that it's at least one moderator preventing her from being reinstated.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 5:49
  • 3
    @BSMP I'm not suspicious - it's a fact. I was told at least one moderator objected. And it was apparently due to my meta contributions, which at the time are well documented. There was the one post where I stated - it will probably affect my reinstatement and it did! I'm not allowed to have an opinion. It is an excuse anyway. These people don't want me back. But they probably didn't want me as a mod in the first place - so why should they decide now?
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 6:38
  • 2
    OK. The and/or part here, "both from the community team and/or the moderator team", was what made it sound like you weren't sure. That you were told a moderator objected is useful information.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 7:23
  • 1
    @S.S.Anne if we're eligible to run for moderator, we should be eligible to be reinstated
    – user3956566
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 18:40

There may be discords but it surely takes two to tango.

My wish list;

  1. Planning;

    Things should be more structured, measured and balanced. No rush and crush nor try and error. Decision (at all level) should be more and more data driven.

  2. A clear separation of powers;

    Stack Exchange Inc may play the political or business role but should not forget about the origin and essence of the community. Moderators represent what we stand for and maintain the community. They should a (clearly defined) place in the decision making process rather than being dictated.

  3. Effective communication;

    Silence is also a form of communication. It may be effective but not necessarily the best option at all time. Giving a response or feedback in a timely manner may be a great avenue to pave way for a healthy discourse, understanding and mutual respect. That goes in hand with a sense transparency and accountability, to foster trust.

  • 4
    "Decision (at all level) should be more and more data driven." - But there is an important step first: doing a good job with statistics and data collection. There are some cases where they either biased the data or misinterpreted the results or even did both at the same time. Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 3:30
  • 3
    Not to mention that "data" isn't necessarily right. The "data" might well support the current event stream. Or the "data" might suggest that since the majority of users don't even know what's been going on that they don't care about what's going on. Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 15:03
  • 2
    I can prove anything by statistics except the truth. -- George Canning
    – Amit Joshi
    Commented Oct 22, 2019 at 13:30

Hire someone who's a respected moderator who participates on Meta as a community manager. It's a way to get the expertise of how to manage the stack-exchange community into the community management team.


I'd like to provide a place where you may, should you feel so inclined, provide a final, concrete set of specific actions that, if taken by management, would lead you to want to continue your great work here.

Stack Overflow has no serious competition. As long as the company maintains its competitive advantage, the people who resigned will eventually come back. They don't have a choice. The new forum (sorry I forgot the name something like Cord...) couldn't possibly take off without very significant amount of investment. It's not going to happen.

It's like the China great firewall. The Chinese don't like it nor do they agree with the government policies, but they have no choice. People here will get used to it.

PS: The people who resigned including Monica herself still come to the site every day. Why come back if they hate the site?

  • 29
    They don't hate the site, they disagree with the policies which are destroying the very site in which they put in years of effort. Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 7:36
  • 29
    the people who resigned will eventually come back. They don't have a choice. But they do - they can just walk away and do something entirely different with the slices of time they had up until now donated to Stack Overflow.
    – Pekka
    Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 13:20
  • 10
    Monica didn't resign. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 1:26
  • 4
    The site you're not thinking of is codidact.org, I believe. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 4:34
  • It's like the China great firewall. The Chinese don't like it nor do they agree with the government policies, but they have no choice. People here will get used to it. --> China is communist. Are we going to make SO like that? You shouldn't compare China with Stack, at all.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 1:18

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