I just received an email with the following content:

Enter image description here

When I click the button I am redirected to https://calendly.com/cmanara/emailinterviews and the page looks like:

Enter image description here

What is going on? Is this email really from SO? (I never received from them before.) If yes, what about the invalid URL? Will it be fixed soon?


1 Answer 1


This is not phishing, it's real and it will happen. You are seeing a not valid URL because we have already reached the maximum number of interviews we can do for this event.

I have been answering folks who emailed me 1:1 on it.

Thank you for asking and thanks for the many people interested in participating, the response has been great and we filled all slots up pretty quickly.

  • 4
    kudos for taking the time to attend to these issues amidst the firestorm that is on the site. You (and the rest of the team) have my heartfelt wishes.
    – user3956566
    Oct 3, 2019 at 2:39

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