The technical difficulty here is avoiding a large amount of content posted as "draft" by users if it were to be supported.
Placing it on another exchange, for example, would be one route to go, however, that would be obscure, and more than likely lead to no one using it or being used so sparingly that it makes no sense to retain. In addition, it could be very difficult to moderate. So, while in theory it could be possible, in practice it should probably be avoided.
This leaves us with the only option being to integrate it directly into the current exchange, Stack Overflow in this case. Any time platform level changes are made like this, there is an inherent risk so balancing out the risk of introducing a relatively large feature versus the reward of who will benefit is difficult.
Introducing a draft question feature pros/cons:
- Allows users to ask peers for help without cluttering the site
- Allows editing by the OP prior to release
- Potentially allows for a review queue to oversee help
- Fits in with the previous path of "Mentorship" that was trialed
- Prevents low quality content from being posted to some degree
- Feature development time which could be spent somewhere more beneficial
- Risk of spam
- Risk of waste from non use
- Risk of bloat due to drafts never being posted
As such, the draft feature must essentially only allow each user one draft at most. Sharing it publicly will be the only option, as private sharing will require more development than the feature warrants; as well, Stack Overflow doesn't really support private spaces.
There is only one ideal place for this to reside, which would be in the user profile. Adding a tab, similar to Developer Story, which was just an instance of the markdown editor instead of the Developer Story interface, and which was managed through a user settings flag as private (non shareable, only the user can see it) / public, could work.
This would:
- prevent any user from spamming with the feature, as it would be relatively hidden (attached to their profile - optionally)
- allow an easy path for sharing the draft:
- create a little bit of space for joy (never underestimate the value of joy) for those who would perhaps want to use the draft as an expansion of their profile for fun or the like
- be easy to implement as it is extremely similar to the current implementation of Developer Story
As a solution, I think it works. However, that this is a problem which needs to be solved may be another issue entirely.
Here is what it that might like: