Stack Overflow recently published this blog post about "JavaScript Best Practices" and send quite a bit of traffic towards it through the regular blog link on the website.
This smells a lot like paid marketing content for a company. The author there has an interest to sell stuff to developers but the article is presented as if they are writing it out of the goodness of their hearts.
Stack Overflow is trusted by developers to not be "Experts Exchange" and to be a place where content is evaluated on merit and it is relatively transparent.
I would like to ask that:
- When you publish a third party technical article - please disclose any business relationship you might have with said party. Please present advertisements as advertisements and not as blog posts - we trust your blog. To me this is insulting.
- If you do want a content platform - please let users choose what content appears there directly (like the Q&A).
Note: none of this is about the company sponsoring or the article itself. I am not complaining about either in particular - this is about the concept.