Our criteria for human deletion are as follows (emphasis added):
For questions, a post that no longer adds anything to the site should be deleted. Basically, this includes most closed questions that cannot be improved and reopened. However, it may be beneficial to keep duplicates to aid future users in finding the canonical question, as different people may use different wordings that cause the canonical question to not show up in search.
For answers, any post that is not an answer (should be a comment, doesn't answer the question, etc.) should be deleted. Answers that are wrong or that dispense poor advice should be downvoted, not deleted.
These are general guidelines; some communities in the network may uphold more specific reasons to delete posts or not. For example, on Puzzling.SE, answers to a puzzle without explanation are subject to deletion, and some technical sites will delete answers which are not only wrong but also harmful when tried.
For Stack Overflow specifically, our guidelines are this:
In general, duplicates should be merged instead of deleted.
The Merge path should be:
The question with the greatest views, votes, and 'better' answers (a wholly subjective criterion, but normally something with code is better than something without, and something with just a link and a description is worse than anything else) becomes the canonical question.
The other questions should be flagged for merging into that canonical question.
It's OK if some of the questions are not merged -- there may be times when that's >the case; but on the whole we'll merge as flagged.
Questions should not be deleted if they are duplicates unless:
- the question has a low number of views
- A low number of votes
- Really poor answers that don't merit staying around
We want to keep valuable content, even if the questions are duplicates. So to sum up:
If you hate duplication:
- vote to close
- Flag for merging if the question warrants merging (or has good content)
- Vote to delete if the question meets the criteria I laid out above for deletion.
And all of this guidance stems from this post by Jeff Atwood in 2010:
Here are my official guidelines on question duplication:
Having one “perfect” form of a question that contains every possible answer to every slight variation of that question is a myth at best and actively harmful at worst.
Having dozens and dozens of variations of the same question is clearly bad. What we want is on the order of 4 or 5 similar-but-not-quite-the-same duplicates to cover all possible search terms and common permutations of the question. It is also OK for these duplicates to have their own answers so people who find them don’t have to click yet again to get to a good answer.
Let me be clear — too much question duplication is bad. Absolutely. You’ll get no argument whatsoever from me on that. But not enough question duplication is also bad. I know this does not sit well with programmers who love to think in binary black and white and cannot abide a single atom of duplicated content in the entire omniverse. But the honest, realistic answer to how much question duplication there should be is … “enough”. Question duplicates aren’t necessarily our enemy. They’re more like our, y’know, frenemies.
So, as always, use your good judgment and please continue to close and merge duplicates as you see fit. However, bear in mind that cultivating and supporting a moderate amount of natural duplication actively helps the community. I wasn’t kidding when I said learn to stop worrying and love (some) duplication. Use the above guidelines and try to find a happy, reasonable medium somewhere in the middle there.
If you flag a closed question for merging, we'll take a look and see if it's merge material. If a duplicate with upvoted answers gets deleted, please raise a question on meta (I'm unclear if you can flag deleted questions; but if you can, please do that first before bringing up a question on meta).
For another moderator's perspective on this, take this comment from Brad Larson:
Personally, I don't like to see the deletion of questions that have good answers. While the question it was closed as a duplicate of was a far better one, and had some even better answers, I don't know that it helps to delete this question and its answers. I'm becoming concerned with some of the deletions I've been seeing lately of duplicate questions, many of which had good answers. – Brad Larson♦ Feb 10 '15 at 15:15