I wondered if downvoting means you are contributing more to the site.
You are contributing to the site using all your available privileges, be it voting, flagging, editing.
Whether you or others like it or not, the Stack Exchange Q/A model is designed with quality in mind. That does mean you need to signal to both poster and future visitors how to judge the post. You can't simply rely on thumbs up to be enough to differentiate good and sub par posts. Down votes serve that goal.
If I recall correctly that comment was posted on a meta question of yours where you complained about moderation with the roaring title Is moderation getting a bit over-board? where you advocated that your personal needs at the time had higher priorities then the rules we established here in the last 6 to 8 years.
In that context the comment tried to convey the notion that if you start a discussion about moderation, you have to be prepared to look at your own contribution. Some users believe that everything can be solved with down votes and with enough of them SO will become a better place. Some moderators believe you need to delete all the things and SO will become a better place. Some believe you need to edit all the things and the welcoming wagon will ride. Some believe a thumbs up and a hug is enough to curate a canonical knowledge base for many visitors to come.
tl;dr; All moderation privileges exist and assist to make SO posts useful for many visitors. Ideally you should use each and every tool in the right context. When you discuss moderation here, take all aspects in account, not only the ones you like or dislike.
Flag comments that are targeting you instead of your post.