I would like to know if it's possible to tune the Community♦ account in Stack Overflow Enterprise?
Some of the automated activity is ruining the experience in our Stack Enterprise implementation. For example,
The volume of posts that are bumped by the Community♦ exceeds the number of questions asked or answered on a daily basis. The effect is that by morning, all of the previous days new activity is already below the fold or on page two. I want the human activity to be front and center rather than the bot. It's discouraging to new users when their question swiftly disappears. I would like to set the max number of posts that can be bumped within a day.
The ability to blacklist certain Tags from the Community♦ account would prevent obsolete questions from getting bumped. Like any company we have internal systems that get retired, policies that change, etc. and when those topics are no longer relevant, the bot should not bump those questions to the top any more. Besides making the content look stale, nobody is going to answer them, or vote on them, and they could in fact be confusing to users.
We need the Community♦ account to not bump questions from users that have left the company. Since they're gone, no answer can be marked as answered. And more often than not these questions have quality issues, so nobody upvotes, and they just keep coming back.
NEW: Bumping questions should not take place over the weekend when there is no user activity on the site. As an example, tonight (Sunday night) on our front page there are 34 questions bumped by the Community♦ account, and 14 from employees. Most of the 14 are from the handful of active users and moderators. So all of the activity from last week is now below the fold, on page 2, etc.
Is there a way to address this in the current software? If not can this be a feature request?
Related posts that provide some insight: