I have a lot of trouble forming appropriate questions for the site.
If it is something specific I can almost always find the answer on my own through research - Google, other questions, etc etc. If it is not that specific it is usually too broad for SO; it is hard to land in the middle.
If I am asking something, I have already researched it and I tend to try and try to predicate my question on those findings. This bloats the post and makes it more ambiguous what I am asking. Alternatively, if I don't explicitly exclude answers I know of I'll get them as responses.
To make my questions more useful to others in the future I try to document resources for related information. This doesn't seem to help, it seems to make the post longer and add camouflage to the question.
The topics I bring up tend to have multiple aspects which makes many respondents struggle to identify what to respond to.
Through my own knowledge or research I sometimes already have an answer but I want to know if there is a better one that a more experienced or knowledgeable person about that would know of. "hi I have this problem xyz and I came up with a solution but this is probably a classically known problem with a standard solution, that I can't find"
I often want to ask what the best approach to something is, which gives the question subjectivity which I think goes against the site's values.
My writing style by default is extremely verbose, I work very hard to make it more concise. Communicating concisely is the most difficult thing that I do. I have been told that I have a mild form of Autism which seems to fit.
I've tried to explicitly identify the question to be answered in bold text, and I've tried to follow the guidelines for writing questions and read about how to do it well. I'm not sure I am suited to the Q&A format here but I haven't found a better medium yet.
How could I better adapt myself to the SO site or is it simply not what I want/need?