I ran across the mixed tag yesterday by this question. I thought "it sounds like it's pretty much mixed up" (pun intended) and looked through questions tagged mixed. It has 200 questions, but no tag wiki, and the question topics seem to vary wildly (based on the 1st page of search results):
- Many questions seem to be about mixed statistical models, and using it in various stats packages
- Some of the questions talk about "mixed effect models", does that count here too? I'm not sure.
- A few are about mixed data types (also tagged with types)
- A few are about mixed precision
- A few are about audio?
- The rest are... just anything mixed up.
And searching for [mixed*]
reveals lots of mixed-anything
- mixed-models sounds good for replacement to mixed for many questions
- but the rest have only up to 200s of questions, and some don't even have tag wiki. The tags by themselves seem pretty bogus to me, e.g. what is mixed-code supposed to be about?