Consider this question: Where is the new object created when we call string.concat(string2)?
It was marked as a duplicate of this question (among others): Concatenation operator (+) vs. concat()
The reason being these sentences:
the concat method always produces a new String with the result of concatenation.
it internally creates a new char array buffer, and returns a new string based on that char array.
This indirectly answers the question. What are the rules/opinions of this?
I'm not sure that this is the right way. I can think of two problems.
This is not a duplicate question per se, at least not the the provided question.
I know this is a grey zone, but in this particular case it assumes that the questioner has prerequisite knowledge that would trivialize the question.
However, I can see the benefits with this. If another answer is also answering the original question then why not refer to that answer instead.
What is the "correct" way of handling this?
seconds/minutes longer for the closer to close the question, that means other questions might go unclosed longer, allowing for others to answer them, which muddies the signal that we want to send (don't ask/answer duplicate questions). All told, I think providing an explanation when asked is a happy medium.