I'm involved in a mild disagreement as to whether the answer as posted would be improved with comments.
That has nothing at all to do with the LQP queue. Whether or not an answer would be improved with a more detailed explanation has nothing to do with whether or not the answer is an answer, just whether or not you think it's a useful answer (which is not what that review queue is there for).
You're welcome to use your up and down votes (and comments) to indicate how useful you think the post is, although you should be careful when voting on posts in areas you aren't familiar with. I won't say you can't determine if a post is useful or not without domain knowledge, because there are cases where it's clear even without domain knowledge, but you need to be careful when doing so, as it's very easy to mislead others by voting on a post when you do not in fact know how useful it really is to people who are actually faced with the problem in question.
do you add a comment sayingincrementing i
. Hopefully not. So saying with a sweeping gesture that "commenting code is better than not commenting code" is absurd. If such a thing were true then the tool that flags code-only answers as possibly low quality could make that determination itself. People who understand domain basics don't want the basics re-explained every time they read an answer and people who don't will benefit far more from a glance at the existing documentation than being spoon fedincrementing i
, then I doubt the question was a good one).man awk
, but your clarification would have given them the right information in the right place at the right time. I would need to do a lot more research to figure out how your sed answer works. Regexes are nearly write-only, so a little explanation of the approach you're taking goes a long way.