I saw this ad (code into 120 currencies):
And I was quite interested into seeing what it was, but clicking it did "nothing". Well, it doesn't do anything, but what it does do is the same end-result. It opens an about:blank
tab before closing the newly opened tag.
If I skim-inspect source, I see the usual kind of stuff, but maybe there's something in the inline JavaScript code I missed:
<a target="_blank"
onmousedown="var a=/^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i;var b=/^(https?:[^:?]+[/]pcs[/]click[^/]+?)(?:&nx[^&]+&ny[^&]+&dim[^&]+)?(&adurl=.*)/;var c=event.currentTarget,d=c.querySelector("img[alt]");if(d){var e,f=c.href,g="&nx="+ +Math.round(event.clientX-d.offsetLeft)+"&ny="+ +Math.round(event.clientY-d.offsetTop)+"&dim="+(+d.width+"x"+ +d.height),h=b.exec(f);e=h?h[1]+g+h[2]:f;a.test(e)&&(c.href=e)};">
<img src="https://s0.2mdn.net/4991213/6-JPM_Ecommerce_300_x250-01.jpg"
Interestingly enough, if I right click and choose to copy location URI, then I can paste that, and it will take me to the J.P Morgan site, so my gut is telling me it's the inline JavaScript code.
Environment Settings:
- OS: Linux Mint 19
- Browser: Firefox 67
. Sorry, bro.