Does the post still require editing by the community to be a good question? If so, choose requires editing.
Is the post a high quality question currently, not needing any improvement? If so, choose Looks Ok.
How the post used to be at some point in the past is irrelevant.
On a side note, if you want to be spending most of your review time editing posts to improve them, Triage isn't really the queue for you. It's purpose is to determine which posts needs actual reviewing, which if needed, takes place in other queues. If you're going and editing an occasional post when you happen to see something you really want to fix, that's fine, but if you're primarily intending to actually fix posts, you should really be reviewing in a queue where that is the actual goal of the queue (Help and Improvement is all about editing, and it's a core part of first/last posts, as well as suggested edits).