Moments ago I came across this question regarding JavaScript: How to display array objects using a simple loop and if statements?. It was instantly answered by a Stack Overflow veteran with 400k+ reputation and soon after accepted.
Not that the question was of any good quality, but neither was the answer. It didn't have almost any attributes of a good answer. So I decided to contribute my own answer. And I did it in a verbose way. I could have answered more concisely, but my main point was that the OP will not learn any lesson from such an answer and will show up on another day to spam another substandard question. Why can't we have more answers similar to those from Eric, Jon and many others?
I don't expect superior answers from members with low reputation, but I didn't expect experienced veteran huddle a job through either.
Am I right to say that such low-quality answers encourage even more low-quality questions? Is it really worth that +15 rep?