This question is not duplicate! The other question is about questioners. This question is about answerers!
What to do about an answerer that answers questions for which the user has not followed the rule that the code required to reproduce a bug must be in the question itself.
Instead this user always asks the questioner to make a JSFiddle and then answers the question by posting a new JSFiddle with explanation but no or little code.
I think the answerer is being excellent by helping questioners but they're effectively using stack overflow as an answer forum instead of a repository of answers since the answers (and questions) just link to offsite code
I've commented on many of their answers and comments. When they ask for a fiddle I point out they should be asking for an MCVE in the question, not just a link to a JSFiddle. But it's been months now and they clearly have no intention of changing.
Should I care? Should I follow their example? Should I report them to a mod?
Note: my general response has been to edit the question and copy the code into it via a snippet, then leave a comment that they should have used a snippet in the first place but I'm getting really tired of the manual labor and the fact that the answerer is encouraging more of the same making more work for me.
Just to reiterate
- Question asks for debugging help without MCVE
- Answerer ask for jsfiddle instead of MCVE
- Answerer answers with jsfiddle link and explanation
Should I care about the answerer continuing to not ask to make the question on topic. In fact they are arguably going against the site's guidelines. The site itself tries to prevent fiddle links without code. The user pastes in some code but often it is not MVCE. It's not enough to repo, it's not complete.
This is not a dupe of: Should one advise on off-topic questions? That question is about questioners, this question is about the answerer
It is also not a dupe of: Is a comment telling someone not to answer constructive? That question is about asking people not to answer. This question is about people asking for off topic edits.