First, as with any proposal regarding voting there should be at least a modicum on effort of thinking how would a specific proposal affect the balance between upvotes and downvotes, and I think this one does nothing to address this.
But even if we changed "upvoting" for "voting" in your proposal:
Voting is meant to be an indicator what the community thinks about the quality of a particular post. It is an aggregate of individual opinions.
The opinion of all users is worth exactly the same, and a vote from a user with 15 points affects the score exactly in the same way than a vote from a user with 1.000.000 points.
This proposal would make it possible for users with more reputation to cast additional votes (and the more rep one has, the more likely one would be tempted to use this "feature"), and thus would make their opinion on quality to be worth more than the opinion of lower reputation users.
Any user that could vote twice on a post would have twice the say on a post quality than a user that could only have voted once (or that only wanted to vote once).
If what you want is to reward an specific answer, just use bounties. Those are very visible and are a practical way for transferring reputation directly.