I mistakenly clicked the dismiss icon on a jobs ad and noticed that it didn't work as intended, the dismiss icon disappeared and the title became:
Oops! Something went wrong. Don't worry, our best people are on it!
However, request's response seemed valid:
"content": "<div>Okay, you won't see this company anymore. <a class=\"clc-dismiss-undo\"data-clc-click=\"https://clc.stackoverflow.com/click?an=AT0Awv8K_IHBNXXN1kgJvOtCRwIBEP7wngE7A-uoCrCwDIygFQ0UAB3AdO6KOUhhyj4BA7T9CwCcnOWUXvFU4_KT&cr=348172&ct=-4&sig=8VWiSaWrcRdkEQ\" data-clc-meta-target=\"-4\">Undo</a><span class=\"clc-spinner clc-hidden\"></span></div>"
OS: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)