I flagged this answer the other day with a custom flag. The flag said:
This seems to be some kind of weird joke. It's definitely not an answer to the question
It got declined with the reason
declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
The answer is some sort of attempt of a prank on a naive user. If you were to follow the instructions you would see notepad starting up and then see typing appear in notepad.
It is definitely not a genuine attempt at answering the question. I don't think answers like that have a place here, but it's not spam, and it looks like an answer, so I used a custom flag to indicate just that.
- Was I wrong to flag the answer?
- Should I have used one of the standard flags?
- If not 1 or 2, should I have used a better description on my custom flag?