Both these tags are off-topic. Yes, at some point a programmer writes something that has to do with statistics, but the topic of the site isn't statistics. Any programmer could, in theory, abstract any mathematical function to a code form and still don't understand the statistical interpretation of such function, which is the hard question that statisticians answers.
Anyone can answer code that gets you the average, or a logarithmic regression (if they search for the formula), interpreting what the result means or why should they be interpreted that way is what a statisticians answer (also the best way to measure certain thing), but the questions on either tag aren't about that, and the ones that are are off topic. There's no statistics question on Stack Overflow, but code that happens to represent some statistical function. They don't offer the potential answerers effective information that could indicate whenever or not they would be able to answer the question. In fact, OP should provide the only thing answerers don't have in their MCVE, which is the function they are supposed to write as code (in the cases where the specific function is relevant).
BTW, the only specific topic that falls within what could be acceptable on Stack Overflow is code-smell, which includes rene's interpretation of what code-statistics is about.