The search "this pull request couldn't be reverted automatically" was not finding post. The reason was that a single quote symbol in the message was replaced with apostrophe ("couldn’t"). Now I edited the question, so that is worked around (to be honest I don't know what's really in the message if one copies it from the github's UI(*)). It is however not a first time unicode punctuations sneak info messages or even code snippets in internet pages - long dash vs minus, quotation marks vs double quotes, and now this.
It would be nice if a text which contains such unicode punctuations could be found as one with their ASCII conterparts. And maybe the other way around as well.
(*) it was found that the message is copied with apostrophe. This makes "the other way around" feature important. However, subjectively I still feel like ASCII version is still the common way to write texts and should be able to be searched.