I request that:
down-votes is renamed to downvotes.
- down-votes is possibly added as a synonym for downvotes.
This follows directly from my question, Can we downvote “down-vote” and “up-vote” in the Help Center and the associated tags? which (at the time of writing - five days after posting it) has a score of 108 (112 upvotes, 4 downvotes) meaning that either the community agrees that "downvote" and "upvote" and their variants should be favoured, or that my egregious usage of freehand circles was pleasing. I assume the former.
The main justification of the question was that "downvote" and "upvote" are far more commonly-used than "down-vote" and "up-vote" - by a ratio of more than 4:1 for both terms:
The five questions for each tag with the highest scores also backs this up — not one (even the two with the faq tag) use "down-vote" or "up-vote" or their variants in either the title or the body:
- When is it justifiable to downvote a question?
- faq Why isn't providing feedback mandatory on downvotes, and why are ideas suggesting such shot down?
- Enable Optional Anonymous Reasons for Downvotes on Questions
- faq What can I do about getting a sudden flood of revenge downvotes?
- Am I still supposed to explain my downvotes or not?
- Why does it seem so hard to accumulate upvotes on Stack Overflow?
- Is it wrong to use an upvote to balance out a downvote?
- Order highest upvoted answer before accepted answer
- Suspicious users found: active only one day, many upvotes cast
- I found users who appear to have been serially upvoted, why hasn't this been reversed?
The title is a reference to Picard's monologue in Star Trek: First Contact: "The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!"