This request stems from my observations of questions submitted with the selenium tag. One of the most common type of question is "how do I locate the following element". In order to help answer this question, a copy of the user's web page's full HTML or a link to the web page in question is essential. So I'd like it if we could add some warning when the selenium tag is added. I found this post which adds a warning for the sql tag. Is this still an available feature? I think it would be helpful to add something like this to the selenium tag, along the lines of:
If you are looking for help finding an element on a web page, please provide the full HTML for the page or the page's URL; this is the only way to ensure we find a unique selector for your element.
Here are some examples of what I am talking about:
Result of xpath expression is object and should be element
What is the proper Xpath for the given element for using in Selenium?
Unable to find the value(element) in Xpath
... there are many more examples I could provide if desired.
Is this possible and what would I need to do/who would I want to contact to accomplish this?
was automatically told how to post their data in a reproducible way withdput