First, those badges aren't technically required for being a moderator... the badges that make up your moderator score are just indicators of how broad of a contributor you are to the site and its various functions; candidates with higher scores (more of the score-badges) have contributed in more ways, e.g. they are active on Meta or are prolific editors/reviewers.
As for the tracking part, they probably don't appear because Meta rep, scores, and badges are processed in a weird way... reputation, for example, is tied to your site reputation and is not even updated as often as the main site rep is. Badges, however, are totally separate between Main and Meta; progress for Meta badges is typically tracked on Meta. Interestingly, Quorum and Convention aren't tracked on Meta, either.
I can't speak to whether there was a technical reason preventing these badges from being shown, but it's likely that the above reason was enough of a complication for them to say 'we just won't show these'. Maybe the badges were added specially for moderator elections and weren't added to the badge tracker for that reason?
If I ran the zoo, I'd say they should be shown/tracked.