This seems to heavily relate to another Meta question.
In my answer, I felt inclined to also discuss the on-topicness of machine learning questions, which I felt was the elephant in the room back then. Rather than repeating myself here, I will attempt to fetch some of its parts and work them here.
Regarding the question linked above, it seems to sit under the "how do I improve this model?" kind of open question. There may be cases where the obtained outputs are too different from the expected outcomes, suggesting that there is some kind of programming bug such as a misuse/misunderstanding of an API. However, this doesn't seem to be the case. Quoting from my other answer:
Questions seeking advice on "How do I improve this model?" are usually open ended, and will often attract generic recommendations that involve much more concepts than those in the scope of the site. They should be closed as Too Broad until they are severely narrowed down to a concrete concern. Providing advice here is tricky unless you are confident in proposing migration.
Without the data set, opinions are even more likely to flourish. The second major concern is indeed about making a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example, which is more difficult here than one might think. This question not only lacks the data set, I also failed to identify the dimensionality of the features and labels from it, making the outputs even harder to reason about.
Hence, despite the subjectivity of some situations, the closest I'd get to an actionable rule set of machine learning questions would be: (1) identifying whether the question is purely theoretical; and (2) carefully analyzing the question to ensure that there is a proper MCVE.
If you find that the question is purely theoretical, vote to close as off-topic and suggest visiting one of the sister sites. Do not vote to migrate unless you are absolutely sure that the question is in proper condition for that. I have occasionally employed a comment such as this one:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's purely specific to machine learning rather than programming. You may visit Cross Validated or Data Science SE instead.
This will give the OP an opportunity to have a look at the sites and understand how they function before pressing the Ask a Question button. While Cross Validated does not accept programming questions, the user might be able to adapt the question to a specific technology-agnostic issue. Data Science SE is more permissive than the other sites, likely as a consequence of its wide scope and low traffic. This one has generally accepted machine learning questions with code, as well as those where models are described in some other way. I am not implying that "anything goes". Naturally, it is up to the community at Data Science SE to set that bar in accordance to their expectations, and it's best not to make any assumptions about that when handling questions on SO.
Nowadays, it's also been commonplace to close these questions as not about programming since the merge of community specific closure reasons for Server Fault and Super User into one. That is fine too, assuming that the question is based on theoretical aspects of machine learning which deviate a lot from programming.
If the question effectively narrows down to a programming problem, you may then put this matter aside and use the remaining criteria on whether the question is suitable for this site, with the MCVE being the most important. Things to look out for are, among others, the code for describing the model used, the solver algorithm for training the model, and the data set. Again, a few more details can be found in my other answer.
Other than that, one may also keep in mind that not all questions will fit our SE-specific paradigm of Q&A. Sure, there may be several legitimate questions being closed by our usual standards, but those would generally come down to a matter of research. Stack Overflow is not in a position to be a peer-to-peer research platform. There will also be questions in which a consensus for their topicality will not be reached, for the reason once said in this question about pure machine learning questions:
There is rarely a broadly applicable rule of thumb for these types of things. We'll only end up writing some rule that gets religiously misinterpreted and innocent by-stander questions get hurt.