We know Stack Overflow has a high standard regarding plagiarism in the answers. However, I believe it falls short when it comes to the questions.
Every now and then I see a question where OP says "here is my code", but "their" code is just a verbatim copy of some original code (I often recognise the copied code or I know the author of the copied code). Because of my scientific/academic background those copies without attribution really annoy me.
What is the consensus here, if any? Should we:
- Leave a comment to OP, like "hey, mate, please reference the author";
- Edit the question with the due reference;
- Flag the question as plagiarism;
- Do nothing and move on.
It seems to me that as long as the question is on-topic the consensus is "do nothing and move on"... but I hope I'm wrong here.
EDIT: Since this question has gained considerable attention let me explain what I mean by “copy”: I’m not talking about one-liners or just a couple of methods, I’m talking about copying a full, working code: I’m active in the d3.js community, in which OP normally shares the entire code for creating a data visualisation. By entire I mean the whole thing, from the opening <script>
tag to the closing </script>
tag. Those codes are often copied ipsis litteris (comments included) from books or tutorials about D3.
To better put it, as brilliantly explained in a comment, this is not a "question about who technically owns the code, whether it's you or your employer. It's not just a semantic issue about the definition of 'my'. It's a rather clear-cut case of directly copy-pasting code that someone else has created, and failing to provide proper attribution, in flagrant violation of our rules" (Gray, 2019).
or something similarly minor), but that's not something we can in all cases hope to enforce.