I am following tag python. Over the last few days a "new contributor" asks questions about the same "goal" (choosing things from a item/price list/dict to get up to some pregiven amount) - refining his code, question by question, answer by answer.
Are we fine with "iterative" code generation via Stack Overflow Q&A?
Essentially the answers to all his questions are somewhere between "teaching" and "debugging" his code - IMHO, he would need a tutor or some basic tutorials.
I refrained from posting a comment of
Looking at the history of the questions you raised - you seem to be iteratively coding a solution to a problem you have by using one answer to formulate the next question and so on. Are you coding something or just looking for someone to code for you? Maybe you could try to apply debugging to solve some of the problems yourself? Maybe the problem you are tackling is a bit too complex and you need to go back to https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/?
Because it is going to be flagged as condescending or unkind anyway.
Coding by iteratively asking solutions on Stack Overflow just rubs me the wrong way ... is it ok to do so?