I answered a question indirectly related to Oracle Java licensing and someone commented on my answer propounding a legal theory that is 1) wrong, and 2) inappropriate ... given that Stack Overflow is not an appropriate place to ask for or offer legal advice.
I flagged the comments as "no longer required" since I have addressed the minor point in my answer that they related to. The flags were declined some time ago.
Today I raised a "needs moderator attention" flag, stating:
"Johannes nitpick (which I corrected) is based on [a] legal theory that has no foundation. Please delete all comments on this question. Stack Overflow should not be seen to be offering BAD legal advice." – Stephen C 4 hours ago helpful
I also added a comment to say why the theory is without foundation. (OK, I am not a lawyer. But I do understand a bit about the GPL and copyright law and how they operate ... having followed Groklaw avidly for a number of years.)
The flag was accepted ... but the comments were not removed.
I can see that I should have asked "Please delete all comments on this answer". Sorry. My mistake.
Could a moderator please take another look at this. If the comments on my answer can't be removed, I think I need to remove my answer. Which would be a pity.
The Q&A is How to get java 11 run-time environment working since there is no more jre 11 for download?