I am the developer of SikuliX, that by historical reasons has its Q&A board at Launchpad. During this year, I want to move to here and phase out Launchpad.
Since Sikuli(X) exists since 2011, there are some tags here referencing Sikuli(X) in different aspects. To live my support responsibility here the same way as I can do on Launchpad, I want to consolidate those tags to one named sikulix (which is the actual project name) and do that with tags, that might come up in the future by accident.
I found the tag synonyms, but it seems I am not allowed to use this feature. What is the way to do that? It looks like I cannot do that currently without help from people having the needed privileges.
The existing tags are: sikuli, sikuli-ide, sikuli-script and sikuli-x. For all these I want to have the synonym sikulix.