Many questions asked by new users are good but many are not. Quite a few are junk. How to treat junk questions from users of less than 20 reputation remains unclear to me. Experience suggests that many such users are uninvested in the site and, therefore, presumably, undeterred by downvotes and the like.
Some such users style their questions without capitals or standard punctuation, as they were texting SMS messages to their teenaged pals. (Among these, incidentally, are too many who want us to do their beginning homework exercises for them.)
Many such questions are asked. One would rather not single out a particular example but examples are easy to find. Such questions are posted every quarter hour.
One wishes to be welcoming. Indeed, some new users are great. However, to welcome other new users who invest nothing, new users only want to use us, wastes too much of our time. It does not earn us many reputation points, either, so it just isn't much fun.
Seen in this light, what would be the most productive, time-efficient, community-building way to treat junk questions from users of less than 20 reputation?
, so I think you can at least provide something like that.