A while ago, I asked a question about why the direct link to the Ask a Question Wizard leads to a 404 error for some users including me, but links to an actual page for some other users. It was instantly closed as a duplicate by a moderator of the original announcement, which mentions that the wizard is only being shown to users who are part of a test group.
I later edited my question, to make it instead ask why the SE team decided to make the link 404 for users who are not in the test group (i.e. block users who aren't in the group from being able to use the wizard entirely), rather than leaving the direct link open for everyone and simply redirecting test group members from the normal question asking form to the wizard view. That question is not answered in the duplicate target. Despite that, it was reviewed "Leave Closed" in the reopen queue.
I checked and re-checked the duplicate target, and it doesn't even mention anything regarding 404 errors or blocking users who aren't part of the test group from accessing the wizard. The ending question in my post is, "Why was the decision made to block non-members of the test group from being able to use the wizard entirely?", and I don't see where that's answered.
Can I please get clarification as to why it's still a duplicate, preferably from one of the users who reviewed it as "Leave Closed"? If not, can it please be reopened?