I was just wondering how I should deal with people like this.
I asked a question, and was given an answer that dealt with an image taken off a website, whilst my problem involved an image I have stored on my computer.
I commented this, and politely asked for clarification.
I was then told I could only get clarification if I accepted the answer that didn't work. When I refused, the answer was deleted and I was told I didn't deserve an answer:
i delete my answer. You dont deserve solution. I gave you answer with exact image processing steps that works on the image you posted, but since you cant upload image into python script and integrate it with my script, you dont consider it answer. Also you propably didnt get, that my script downloaded your image, and processed it. Did you even tried to run the script?
I know any answer has taken someone time, and I'm grateful for that time. I can't help but feel I've done something wrong here. Am I at fault?
How do I deal with this kind of thing?
To clear up some things said in comments:
I knew how to open a PIL image from disk, but didn't know how to open an OpenCV one, they are different.
Looking back at my question, and reading some of the comments on here, I believe it was clear from my question that I wanted to open the image from disk, as I wrote
Image.open(IMAGE FILE)
I realise that this question could have been asked better, and for that I apologise (I've been using this site for less than a month). However, I feel it is unfair to say that my comment was asking a 'completely different question', when it was really just asking for a CV2 version of what was already in my question's code
I needed basically just one more line of code, and so asked in the comments. I realise now that I should've done my own research instead. Again, I apologise for this. What I definitely wasn't expecting in answer to my comment, however, was abuse. Especially from someone who has been a member of this site for over two years.
Image.open(IMAGE FILE)
. I get that that's not the same as spelling out that a local file is required, but the least an answer could do was follow that instead of... trying to load an image off of an i.stack.imgur.com URL? This just brings me back to my age-old rant of "Why provide code in a question if it's just going to get ignored?"