I'm going to use a bit of a tongue-in-cheek analogy here. Let's say we're building a castle. A castle of cabinets. Stay with me here.
So we've got a mostly finished castle, built entirely out of cabinets. These are well-made cabinets. Some might be a little dusty, or maybe starting to fall apart, but there's lots of little worker bees busily fixing, polishing, and otherwise maintaining them. People can wander around inside it, open them up, and seeing what's in there. Lo and behold, each cabinet has nuggets of wisdom in it. Some of it is polished gold, some silver, and maybe some dim bronze bits in the back. Not that useful to most, but some can learn from it. In some places, you see people putting their own nuggets into the cabinets. Some bees are working on them, too. Taking them out, polishing them, making them less lumpy, then putting them back.
Visitors are astounded at all the knowledge this castle holds. In the back, they see some people working on their own cabinets. Once they finish them, they take them to a part of the castle that's not done yet, and put them down. Once they step back, our busy little worker bees swarm over it. They might polish a couple, maybe repair one that's leaning to one side or another. Others are taken down and given back to their creators. Still others are thrown in the trash.
Over time, the castle becomes known for all the knowledge it holds. Anything you want to know can be found there. People flock from all around to learn and make their own cabinets.
Yeah, as it turns out, there's a cabinet making station that people can use. Everybody's given the tools to make their own, and some instructions on how to make a good cabinet. There's even a little bin people can put theirs in to see if it fits nicely. But most of the people don't want to make good cabinets; they just want the little bits of knowledge that go in them. These people didn't read the instructions, nor do they care about ensuring the castle stays standing. They just know their cabinet has to be part of the castle before it can get the nuggets, so they just quickly build it and wait.
Once the worker bees take over, though, it quickly gets given back or completely tossed. These people are very unhappy they didn't get their bits of knowledge; they heard this was the place to get it, so they should be able to do so. They paid no attention to the instructions, nor to the bees handing their cabinets back to them. So they won't fix their cabinet, and it gets thrown in the trash. They make a new one, still not following the instructions, and put that one up. And it also gets given back. Eventually, the worker bees get tired of certain people making bad cabinets, and refuse to allow them to put down any more. This makes them even angrier. Why are some people allowed to put up cabinets, and they're not!? This castle is the worst!
These people never read the instructions, so they didn't realize that it tells you that the castle is supposed to stand for a long, long time, so the cabinets have to be made very nicely. Bad cabinets just break, and there goes that hallway it was part of. There's even a list of things to do to make sure people can make good ones. They would know this if they just read the instructions and got to know the castle a bit before trying to make their own cabinet.
Some people just want the knowledge; they don't care that their cabinet is ramshackle and might break. Worker bees want the castle to stay standing, so they don't allow cabinets that don't follow the instructions. A cabinet can't hold another one if it's so wobbly it looks like it'll fall over all on it's own. What looks like hostility to these people is just the worker bees keeping the castle in good shape.
That's why people see Stack Overflow as hostile. They don't see the bigger picture. All they see is that they weren't allowed to get their little nuggets of knowledge. The worker bees are the enemy, as they are the arbiters of what can and can't be part of the castle. No worker bees, no problem. Never mind that eventually the castle comes tumbling down. They got their knowledge, and that's all that matters to them.