The user contributions on Stack Overflow (and the rest of the Stack Exchange network) are licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.
Below the blue button with the thumb (a 'like' button?) is a link to the Stack Overflow question. The link text is "источник" which translates to "source". They also link to the author of the original question and display the author's name.
The same links are present for the answer.
At a number of requirements are listed:
- Visually indicate that the content is from Stack Overflow or the Stack Exchange network in some way. It doesn’t have to be obnoxious; a discreet text blurb is fine.
- Hyperlink directly to the original question on the source site (e.g.,
- Show the author names for every question and answer
- Hyperlink each author name directly back to their user profile page on the source site (e.g.,
Requirements 2, 3 and 4 are fulfilled. Requirement 1 does not appear to be fulfilled, but they've certainly put more effort in attribution than a lot of other copy-cat sites out there.