I asked a question about HTML the other day, mainly out of curiosity and also because I felt like it was sort of "missing" from SO and anywhere else I looked. Seems like that feeling is not shared by many since now it got downvoted and put on hold.

Screenshot of question about "downsides to using HTML5 semantic tags"

I am confused. After rereading my question I am not sure how it can be misunderstood? Essentially it is "What can happen when you throw new standards on outdated software?" It seems to me like something that is very measurable and objective. Is there some hidden policy here?

  • 8
    If it's not POB, then it's classically "too broad", since your last (of four) question is "...(anything)?" Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 19:21
  • 1
    Now in the end I finally did find the question I was after. A nice example that wording makes all the difference.
    – Arsylum
    Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 20:40
  • Or, a nice example of how the standards for questions have changed in 8+ years... Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 19:36
  • @Heretic Monkey: I'm not seeing how that question would be treated any differently today than it was 8+ years ago. It's the same as this question, just asked in an era where HTML5 was still very new and compatibility was still a major concern for most developers.
    – BoltClock Mod
    Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 5:01
  • ... the last sentence of that other question is problematic but could probably be edited out.
    – BoltClock Mod
    Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 5:01

2 Answers 2


"It depends."

That would be a satisfactory answer to your question, given that the answer is and will be constantly evolving with improvements to browser technology.

If you're lucky, it will work with some quirks. Some browsers may decay to using the older div style. If you're unfortunate, your entire site will be broken. It depends on what other variables are out there, such as which browser(s) you're talking about, what operating system and even what rendering engine, which can't be encapsulated simply in a single answer.

  • Isn't this all a case for "too broad" and not "primarily opinion-based"?
    – BoltClock Mod
    Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 2:43

You are correct. Your question isn't primarily opinion-based. All of your specific examples:

  • Will the rendering break (more) on that office machine which rolls prehistoric versions of IE?
  • backwards compatibility of css selectors like article?
  • strange side effects to the DOM?

... are objective hypotheses for which you're seeking verification, they're not opinions. Your question is asking for factual answers. The only issue I can see is, as Makoto points out, that there are possibly too many variables at play.

(In practice, there actually aren't; as the answer you have already received states, older versions of IE simply don't recognize the elements outright, which results in your first two items being true, and in the case of semantic elements that don't provide any additional functionality compared to div... that's pretty much it. But this is in practice. In my experience, questions that are only demonstrably not broad, but still may be in theory, are still grounds for being closed as too broad.)

Two users picked the correct choice of "too broad", but three others picked "primarily opinion-based", which makes this seem like yet another case of users getting the two close reasons mixed up. That's a trend I've noticed for many years now.

  • The question asks, "are there any downsites to [...]?" That's asking for opinions. Whether a given behavior of something is "a good thing" or "a downside" is an opinion, not an objective fact.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 15:26

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