Well, first of all, this got nothing to do with the new Code of Conduct. Downvoting and even closing questions is not unfriendly, it's just trying to keep the overall high quality of Stack Overflow (by signalling low quality content via downvotes) and keeping the site clean of off topic questions. It becomes unfriendly when snarky comments are posted, and that's what the CoC try to reduce.
Now for the question itself. Its first revision was terribly formatted and worded, meaning OP spent zero efforts on it. Some people take it as "they didn't bother so they don't deserve to be helped", which is valid point. Second revision was better, but still in bad shape. As for the question contents, which should be what matters most, they appear to be legit, I believe that if the current revision would have been the first, the question would get an upvote or two to begin with.
Bottom line, what's done is done. Score of -1 is really not that bad, the question is not closed, no snarky comments. In the future just try to edit such questions into shape (both formatting and wording, sometimes they need total rewording to make sense) as soon as possible, and they'll have better chance.