I've looked at the simliar questions; but I can't find a duplicate of this.
There is a question How to remove multiple object in List by id C#.
It is being suggested that this should be marked as a duplicate of c# - How to remove item from list? (i.e. remove one item)
These scenarios seem to me to be distinct. Where removing a single item, I would use the approach in the accepted answer for the second question. Where removing multiple items, I would use the accepted answer for the first question.
The help center states:
The fundamental goal of closing duplicate questions is to help people find the right answer by getting all of those answers in one place.
But I contend these questions are different. The accepted answers are different because the scenario is different, so I would not have expected these to be considered duplicates. The fact that one of the non-accepted answers to the second question mentioned that you could do it the way mentioned in the accepted answer of the first seems pretty tenuous, and I'm not sure marking it as a duplicate would help anyone. But maybe I'm misunderstanding.