Recently I tried to post a question and surprise! I had been banned from posting a new question without a warning!
Yes it is possible in some "border" cases that I will explain.
In the past, I have received a warning because I have a lot of questions without answer and without reputation.
A friend of mine have answered to some of my question and I have recovered the possibility to post some new questions.
Until Stack Overflow decide that my friend has voted too many of my posts and has removed all votes of my friend. Then the ban algorithm has run again after this modification and then I have lost the possibility of posting questions.
Stack Overflow is like a Monopoly game
I will compare Stack Overflow as a monopoly game. If you are the first to play, you have a lot of possibilities to buy a field. If you come after 10 other players, it is more difficult to buy a free field.
It is the same thing on Stack Overflow. If you are a new user, the simple questions have already been posted. Some times, you have the possibility to improve the question because the software used has been modified or because the question is hard and nobody before you has given the correct answer.
But in the time, it become harder to post simple questions that can gain some answers or some reputation point. More seriously, when it is impossible to answer to some question, nobody take time to post an answer to say that it is impossible.
I'm not the first to complaint about this situation but I find this situation unfair considering the hours I have already worked to try to answer to some new questions.
I know that a solution exists. I can create a new user and post new questions using it until I can post new question with my original user. Sorry but I don't like to do that but if I'm constrained, I will do that.
Personally, I would found more equitable that Stack Overflow change is ban politic in implementing following concepts:
Stop to penalize users when they remove a question or an answer. Why ? Because managing question and answer is a good work.
Allow the deletion of questions without answer
Encourage users to vote up for hard question that have their place on Stack Overflow.
Notify permanently the question's ban so that user always know his question ban status.
Where I work, I'm alone to be active on Stack Overflow in posting and answering to questions. All my other colleagues use every day Stack Overflow without participating, only for searching.
Ok, it is my choice, but please, stop putting sticks in the wheels to users (as me and a lot of others) that work with you every day to improve the quality of the site.
Stop to transform Stack Overflow in big monopoly.
And what about liberty of expression? Posting a question is a liberty and blocking new question is blocking user liberty. I think that a smart solution exists and perhaps it is time to post the following question
How to improve Stack Overflow question's quality without using Question's ban?
I'm not the first to complaint about question's ban and I'm not the last.
It's perhaps time for Stack Overflow to take in consideration that he has evolved and that the old first algorithm are not more relevant.
I have posted 18 questions. I have received 14 answers and only 1 vote UP and only 1 vote DOWN. I think that my questions are oft hard but enough documented.
I only hope that this question will push Stack Overflow responsible to think about this ban topic and, perhaps, to make things differently.
Response for all users that have already reacted.
I can read that some of you say that is not impossible to not have been warned !
At begin I have been warned. At this instant, each time I will post a new question, I 'm warned.
Then Stack Overflow has stopped to warn me because somebody as voted for me. At this moment I don't receive any warning and I can post some questions.
Then Stack Overflow has removed some reputation's points because somebody has voted too much for me. The ban status has also been updated. So when I come back to post a new question I don't see any warning.
I'm simply banned without having been warned.
This is a side effect of Stack Overflow correction.
Point of weakness
This is a good
technic to ban some users that are at ban limit.
You vote up for him on more than 20 questions. I hope he is happy because he gains some reputation.
Some time later, Stack Overflow detects than somebody have voted too much for this user and remove reputation's points and correct question ban status.
User is locked for new question.
It is diabolic ;-)