Original Question
I have the following answer. I've raised both the "Not An Answer" and "in need of moderator intervention" flags with the following explanation:
This is not an answer, more a comment I guess... The original issue is not the MsgBox(or even how to explain the issue) but the fact that the Range.Count is returning 0. The original question is clear about that. Can we move this to a comment?
But both of my tags we're declined:
declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
I'm struggling to understand why, when I look at the following post, that type of answer, it clearly falls into the "Clarify the existing question"(or actually in this case offers a suggested improvement to the existing question) category.
I very much appreciate the suggested improvement, but I do think that it doesn't constitutes an answer by Stack Overflow's very definition, am I wrong?
Maybe this would fall into the "Any answer that gets the asker going in the right direction is helpful" category and would be considered an answer, but I don't feel that is the case, again maybe I'm wrong, where is the line here? What constitutes "right direction"?
Why This Question is Unique
I have reviewed the following question, but neither the question nor the answer directly addresses the "suggested improvement" scenario that I believe this answer lies in.
I'm not interested, broadly speaking, in the when to use the "not an answer" tag. I believe I understand how to use that flag. My question addresses (what I believe to be correct) understanding and how it applies to this specific and uniquely distinct scenario that I have laid out above.