I’m Anita, a Product Manager here at Stack Overflow.
October’s nearly over, and it’s beginning to look a lot like survey season. That’s right, we’re planning the Developer Survey 2019!
Thanks to you, we had some great questions in the 2018 survey, such as:
- “What time do you typically wake up in the morning?”
- “How much time do you spend on a computer each day?”
- “How much time do developers spend outside?”
- “How often do developers skip meals to be productive? How often do developers exercise?”
- “What do developers use to stay comfortable while working?”
(Check out the results from the 2018 survey if you haven’t already.)
We also received excellent suggestions about topics we didn’t get to use, such as:
- Team size (in addition to - but separate from - your company size)
- Better acknowledgement of freelancers / part-timers / hobbyists - the “I’m not a full-time developer” folks (who belong here, too!)
These are still being considered for the 2019 survey. Each year is a delicate balance between including your suggested topics and keeping the survey reasonably sized.
So - what’s new for you this year? What would you like to see asked in the 2019 survey? While we can’t promise to include all suggestions, we will read and consider each and every one.
As always, thanks for your time and contributions! Please add your suggestions by Friday, Nov. 2.