I’m Anita, a Product Manager here at Stack Overflow.

October’s nearly over, and it’s beginning to look a lot like survey season. That’s right, we’re planning the Developer Survey 2019!

Thanks to you, we had some great questions in the 2018 survey, such as:

(Check out the results from the 2018 survey if you haven’t already.)

We also received excellent suggestions about topics we didn’t get to use, such as:

These are still being considered for the 2019 survey. Each year is a delicate balance between including your suggested topics and keeping the survey reasonably sized.

So - what’s new for you this year? What would you like to see asked in the 2019 survey? While we can’t promise to include all suggestions, we will read and consider each and every one.

As always, thanks for your time and contributions! Please add your suggestions by Friday, Nov. 2.

  • 5
    I think that it's awesome that you ask the community what they want for the survey - but please consider asking fewer questions than last year. It took me 30 minutes to complete last years survey (as compared to previous years where it took 5-10 minutes)
    – Daniel
    Commented Nov 1, 2018 at 19:13
  • 4
    @Daniel It was the exact opposite from my experience. I personally like to give detailed answers to a survey and 5 - 10 minutes is way to short to give enough meaningful data considering the details in evaluations we get in the survey results.
    – Filnor
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 9:26
  • But cutting of the people who do not want to take part on such a long survey, doesn't help in meaningful data either. @Filnor Imo 30 minutes is still optimistic for non native speakers. Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 12:09
  • I would like to see a graph for Salary and Experience by Region / Location
    – obl
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 18:33
  • I already suggested a question in a separate post a long time ago: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/370726/…. Was it considered?
    – gparyani
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 2:15
  • We can ask another question like "Do you work on side-projects (start-up ideas) when you already have a full-time job? "
    – Vineel
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 16:51
  • Another interesting question will be "Do you practice coding questions when you are trying to change job and attending an interview ? or do you just just go and give the interview with-out preparing because you are already working on it at a day job?"
    – Vineel
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 16:53
  • 3
    Should this question be closed since we're past the Friday deadline?
    – BSMP
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 18:40
  • @BSMP that, or locked as "answers are a community effort".
    – Nissa
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 16:40
  • Why is the question closed? It just invites to ask seperate questions. Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 2:19
  • @ChristianGollhardt: …. because it is past Friday, Nov. 2? (Boldness sic the original post; see the bottom line.) Unless you want to believe it's due for November 2019? It does not look as if you can keep adding topic suggestions right until the survey starts.
    – Jongware
    Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 12:30
  • Why close? I find the links interesting and information is very helpful. Closing would be hiding and destruction of invested information.
    – user985399
    Commented May 7, 2019 at 9:19
  • 2
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should have been closed long time back. But still accepting answers. Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 16:56

74 Answers 74


I think that a question around how the new "be nice to new people" CoC has affected older members of SO (following a question about whether the poster is new or not) - there seems to have been a lot of push-back around the new attitude SO now seems to have regarding what constitutes being rude etc. I would be interested in seeing if this is a vocal minority or a more pressing issue.

Similarly, a question about how newer members have felt since the recent policy changes came into effect would be interesting.


How many hours a week do you spend in meetings?

  • 1
    Sometimes we have 1h+ long meetings discussing how late we are and what countermeasures we must take to at least prevent going over budget, while we could've spent that time in something useful, like for example finishing the project.
    – Outman
    Commented Nov 1, 2018 at 14:41

Do you regularly attend any developer events/conferences?


  • Microsoft Ignite
  • Microsoft Build
  • Oracle Code
  • SmashingConf San Francisco
  • Philly.Net CodeCamp
  • etc.

Or, the question could be "how many per year, 0, 1-3, 4-8, 9+"

  • 7
    I think simply asking how many per year would be better than trying to isolate specific conferences. There are simply too many conferences/meetups around the world to list such that you could reliably avoid bias in the results.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 20:53
  • I agree, I was just giving examples of what kind of conferences I was talking about. Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 12:18

Related to attending developer conferences, how about asking

Do you belong to any technical Meetup or Local User Groups?

  • 0
  • 1-2
  • 3-4
  • 5 or more


How many meetings do you attend, on average?

  • More than once a week
  • Once a week
  • 1-2 times a month
  • Once every 2-3 months
  • 1-2 times a year
  • Less than once a year

Not a topic suggestion per se, but:

Regarding the "Better acknowledgement of freelancers / part-timers / hobbyists", please also don't forget about people like academic researchers in computer-related fields. Many of us are not strictly developers, but writing code is still a significant part of our job description. However, a lot of the "does your company do X?" questions simply don't make much sense when talking about a university.

Related to that, there's also grad students - where I live, we are essentially (in many cases also literally) part-time employees of the university, so that's what I picked last year as my employment status - but again, there was some stuff in the survey that didn't really apply.

At the very least, it would be useful to have a "this doesn't really apply to my current situation" option for every question.

And, a more specific suggestion:

How big a part of your job description is writing code (and related tasks)?

  • I am a software developer, it's what the entire job is about

  • I am not a software developer, but I have an IT-related job and writing code is an important part of it.

  • It's one part of my job, but not the only one. I spend a lot of my time doing things not related to programming.

  • Not very - I sometimes write code to make my work easier or to automate certain tasks, but it's not an official part of my job.

  • Completely irrelevant - I don't do any programming at all as part of my main job.


What kind of podcasts do you listen to on a regular basis?

  1. I don't listen to podcasts
  2. The Stack Overflow podcast (!)
  3. Tech
  4. Business
  5. Comedy
  6. Education
  7. Games/hobbies
  8. Health
  9. Music
  10. Politics
  11. Science
  12. Sports

May even be interesting to ask people to list their favourite(s)?

  • This assumes that podcasts are widely popular. I personally don't know a single person who listens to podcasts regularly. Since the question also requires multiple-choice, I'm not sure what the results will tell us? I don't see how this fits into a "Developer Survey".
    – user4521733
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 15:58
  • 2
    @sboesch It doesn't assume anything, it may be that 99% of people answer with "I don't listen to podcasts". Personally I know lots of people who do listen to them, myself included. However, the latest research suggests that 26% of US citizens are consuming them and I believe that number is similar in the UK. Isn't that significant enough to be useful?
    – DavidG
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 16:19
  • Also don't forget that answers to this question can be correlated with others. For example, how many devs in Australia also listen? Does geography affect the numbers? Age? Experience? Job title?
    – DavidG
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 16:20
  • Fair enough, haven't noticed such a growth in the past years. But I still don't see how this correlates to us as developers. One could also ask, how many of us watch TV/Youtube or read books on a regular basis.
    – user4521733
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 17:45
  • The Stack Overflow podcast does not count as it is down to one episode every 6-8 months. Once per month would be the minimum to be considered a real active podcast. Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 19:13
  • @sboesch Well for a start, It's about learning how developers consume information and even how they learn about new tech. Being a dev is far more than sitting in front of a screen all day, I'd like to get to know the people behind all that.
    – DavidG
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 22:51
  • @PeterMortensen Yeah, the SO podcast was really just a joke entry.
    – DavidG
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 22:52

Do you still work on a legacy application* at your workplace?

*Application built using obsolete tech-stack.

This will help to understand how fast organizations are adapting to newer technologies.

  • 1
    Interesting, but it probably needs some rewording/rephrase. The "still" in the question implies it's in the current time while some developer may have worked on a legacy application in the (recent) past.
    – Neyt
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 14:16
  • Good question, also add to it, how large are management willing to let the backlog of issues on the legacy product grow to before realising nobody wants the replacement product because the legacy one is so poor and not maintained, catch 22.
    – Mike W
    Commented Nov 3, 2018 at 14:39

Past surveys have asked what benefits people want and had them rank them in order of importance. I'd like to see how satisfied people are with their benefits. This would require two questions:

Question 1

Which employer-provided benefits have you used in the past year? This includes benefits your employer may be required to provide by law. Please check all that apply:

  • Vacation/Sick Leave
  • Parental Leave
  • Health/Dental/Vision Insurance
  • Life/Short Term/Long Term/Disability Insurance
  • Dependent Care Assistance
  • Retirement Plan
  • Stock Options
  • Tuition Reimbursement
  • Remote Work
  • Flexible Work Hours
  • On-site childcare
  • Other on-site services (ex. on-site gym)
  • Commute benefits
  • Retail Discounts/Reimbursements

Question 2 (for each checked benefit)

How satisfied are you with [benefit]?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Somewhat Satisfied
  • Somewhat Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

NOTE: This would only be shown to users who previously stated that they're employed by a business/organization so unemployed/self-employed users won't see it at all. Not applicable isn't an necessary option.

If there should be a survey question for self-employed/freelance users about benefits it should be separate since they'd have to pay for those themselves.

  • 4
    I like the question, but I think it will be heavily influenced by country and we have to be very careful to word the questions. Where I live, for example "sick leave" is not a benefit, the employer is legally required to pay me in full for every day I can present a doctors note. I might be dissatisfied with 24 days paid leave (vacation) because that's the legal minimum only. My employer will pay into the retirement plan, but that's not optional and every other employer would be legally required to do the exact same thing. Me checking boxes and you checking boxes would mean different things
    – nvoigt
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 7:02
  • I might be dissatisfied with 24 days paid leave (vacation) because that's the legal minimum only. @nvoight But that's exactly what I want to know: You're unhappy with your paid leave benefits. That your government requires a certain amount is irrelevant; the question isn't asking why you're unsatisfied. Someone else with fewer days may be perfectly happy with it and someone with even more may be upset because of the hoops they have to jump through in order to get their leave approved.
    – BSMP
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 15:37

In this era, programming languages and technologies are improving frequently and many times we need to change our preferred programming language, so the question that comes to my mind is:

How comfortable you are with switching programming languages and technologies?


Here are My set of Questions:

How much time do you spend in a typical week Learning a New Language/Skill?

  • 0
  • < 1 Hour
  • 1 - 4 Hours
  • More than 4 Hours

What is your Method for Learning a New Language/Skill if required?

  • MOOCs
  • Free Sources/Google
  • Books
  • Instructor led Classes

How much of your time do you spend managing a team?

Or, alternatively:

How much of your time do you spend on non-development activities?


If you're working remotely, are you working based on your own time zone every day?

  • 2
    Good question, but needs a little more refinement maybe: when I worked remotely, I started working at anywhere between 8 AM and 1 PM. If I'm starting at 1 PM, is that still "based on my time zone"? ;) I had a number of colleagues who worked a couple of hours 'behind' me, but that wasn't the reason I would start at 1 PM.
    – Marco
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 11:22
  • 1
    Could also ask "How many days a week do you work remotely" (0-7)
    – TrueWill
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 13:52
  • @TrueWill I didn't got it completely. There are 2 chances. One, the person may work 4 days remotely and 1 day from office or if it is contract based, may be works in a total of 3-4 days
    – Sagar V
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 15:52
  • @Marco good point. I'm based on India and while reading remote job posts, I often see 2 things, either work based on your own timezone, and you should be available to a weekly meeting or you must work based on PST. But the starting time does matter as you said
    – Sagar V
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 15:53

What kind of specification do you get for a project?

  • 300 page document
  • 1 page document
  • Thumbnail of a single screenshot of something they saw once in a magazine
  • A manager runs past your office shouting something unintelligible and you're meant to know what they were asking for and that they were talking to you.

Do you work on weekend? Do you have a rule of avoiding any work during weekends?


How many days will it take before you forget the wireframe of your source-code?

Developers who work with multiple projects may often leave behind the source-code untouched for a while. It would be interesting to know how many days will the source code reside on the developers RAM before it subsides. I hope I am not alone on this query.

  • Wow this! Is that what you call it? I was thinking 'context switching'. I would love to work on many projects, but find the context switch such a tremendous effort, like a freight train switching tracks. Keeping 10 things in your head at once is harder than it seems! Glad I'm not the only one with this problem. Even just 2-3 days and going back to the other project, I'm like "What's going on here?"
    – Chloe
    Commented Nov 1, 2018 at 3:05
  • I agree, questions about context switching should be considered by stackoverflow. Context switching though is more of personal handling of the process switching to multiple things. In essence it is different with the question I suggested because it is about the latency and turn-around time of context switching. But yeah @Chloe I think you need to submit a separate suggestion on that. Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 12:17

What is your preferred working position?

  • Sitting on a chair
  • Lay down on sofa and working on Laptop
  • Standing Table

What are your typical working hours?

(For professional developers, i.e. people who do development as part of their job, this would mean the hours of their job. For non-professional developers, e.g. students, hobbyists, this would mean the typical hours they tend to spend programming.)

I'm not sure if the survey supports an answer form like this, but maybe some kind of number line or something where you can mark the range e.g. 9am -> 5pm. Which hopefully can support answers where people's working hours are broken up over the day.

It would be interesting to know whether certain types of roles trend towards non-standard working hours (e.g. maybe DBAs being on after-hours support).


Here are my two cents:

  • Item(Add): Selenium

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): Protractor

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): TestNG

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): Maven

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): Gradle

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): Jenkins

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools
  • Item(Add): Jython

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Languages
  • Item(Add): Dart

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Languages
  • Item(Add): Tcl

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Languages
  • Item(Add): Elixir

    • Within the following Sections:
    • Programming, Scripting, and Markup Languages
    • Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Languages
  • Section: Site Use

    • Topic(Add): Did you share your Developer Story with your current/next Employer/Colleagues/Groups to showcase your work?
  • Section: Site Use

    • Topic(Add): Do you feel your Developer Story helped you to showcase your work with your current/next Employer/Colleagues/Groups?
  • Section(Add): Stack Overflow Jobs

    • Topic(Add): Are the openings shown in Jobs you might like section relevant to you?
  • Section(Add): Stack Overflow Jobs

    • Topic(Add): Were the openings shown in Jobs you might like section helpful to you?
  • Jython is not a programming language
    – Yeikel
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 20:49

How much you satisfied with current company environment?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Ok
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied


  • 3
    Free form responses are highly unusual in such a large survey because there's often no time or way to group things by common denominators.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 30, 2018 at 20:52
  • 1
    @TylerH free form responses gives you better result, understanding, and ideas.
    – Mayur Shah
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 4:58
  • @MayurShah But I we receive say 1 Lakh free form responses, how are we going to group them to interpret a meaningful graph? MCQ and Checkboxes are best suited for this survey.
    – Kolappan N
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 5:08
  • @KolappanNathan Not all free form responses are useful, it's depends on what you are targeting.
    – Mayur Shah
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 5:11
  • @MayurShah This link (insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018) shows how the data from the previous survey is interpreted. For your question the data needs to be interpreted as 20% because of company location, etc... In free form one person would type company is located in remote area, office is in remote, office location in rural etc... It will be difficult to group these results automatically (Manual work for such a large survey is not ideal). While in MCQ these answers come under 1 option "company location". MCQ with possible options & an other box is better. That is my opinion.
    – Kolappan N
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 5:38
  • @MayurShah Yes, if we have unlimited time, space, and resources. In a statistical environment, though, you want as closed and narrow a scope as possible to help make your data meaningful in the aggregate. Most surveyors typically provide a single, catch-all option as a substitute for free-form responses: "other".
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 31, 2018 at 13:39

I do not have a suggestion for specific questions. Rather, I would like to suggest a survey outcome feature for which I hope you can formulate the appropriate questions.

I would like to see a survey feature that allows me to see the career progress of software engineers as a time series in order to let current engineers (and aspiring ones) understand if they are on the right track. You can imagine such a feature would have time (years) elapsed from college graduation on the x-axis, while salary, total comp, engineering title, or other objective metrics would be on the y-axis.

An alternative version of the graph would show career progress / salary increase over time from attaining a specific (or any) new skill, new technology, new degree, or new certification.

The time series should be calibrated to region, of course.

I know that is a bit a vague, but I think if you can create such a chart, it would help out all engineers.


Which of the following does your team do prior to starting a software project:

  • Write an extensive design document
  • Create formal UML diagrams
  • Have a quick whiteboard meeting
  • Develop User Stories for Scrum
  • Other?
  • I would add "Ensuring there is a good testing plan"
    – Yeikel
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 14:58

Acceptable licenses

Are you allowed to use open-source libraries in your products?

With choices:

  • Yes, including copyleft licenses such as GPL
  • Yes, but only permissive licenses such as Apache
  • No, commercial supported libraries only
  • There is no license policy
  • Does not apply: I do not work on software products

This Q is interesting because: I see certain companies to suffer from paranoia when it comes to the GPL. But there are great tools such as R that are GPL only. I'd like to see some stats how many developers have to suffer from their legal departments.

  • There should be an option saying "I work on a open-source code base. I'm only allowed to use open-source library"
    – BDL
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 7:49

Would love to see "Version control" section split into "Loved/Dreaded/Wanted", like languages in 2018.

Normally, a VCS is something imposed on you by the organization; a few people make the decision and everybody has to use it for years or decades.

So just the fact of usage doesn't tell you much about the quality of the product; but the developers' feelings do.


Would be interesting with some more numbers on the #metoo movement.

  • Have you experienced sexual harassment at your company.
  • Have you witnessed sexual harassment at your company.
  • Have your company made any improvements since #metoo movement started.

There is probably a better way to phrase these kind of questions to cause as little unease and controversy as possible.

  • 3
    Have you been convicted of false sexual harassment? (add?)
    – Yeikel
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 20:50
  • 2
    Convictions I would assume are out of scope since it is no longer in the work place. Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 9:11

Rate the quality of the codebase you work on?

Do your managers value the quality of their codebase or just you?

What is the average unit test code coverage of your codebase?

Does your company use code metrics or code analysis?

Does your company have guidelines for code quality?

Does your company have check-in rules?

Does your company always expect it's developers to put in extra hours due to an estimate over-run?

Rate the difficulty of obtaining business requirements from the business users or managers?

How often are business requirements changed with-out adjusting the estimate?

Does your company exploit younger workers by making or allowing them to work more than 40 hours a week?

Does your company actively mentor younger developers?

Do you have peers senior to you to learn from?

Does your company ever train you or provide you training classes or materials?

How many hours a week do you spend trying to fix/solve a problem because of a cryptic error message?


Do you believe your company truly implements the development model they promote?

Reasoning behind this question : Some companies say they they are "agile" but when you look at how the work is done , truth is that they are still implementing Waterfall methodology. I am interested to see if this happens often.


Number of tools typically stacked

I observe an increasing amount of stacking, i.e., plugging one tool into another into another into another... Until everything breaks, because some glue inbetween was too fragile, some API changed etc. This has become particularly bad in big data, where people stacked R into Hadoop, and then wondered why performance is horrible when you fire up new R interpreters repeatedly and serialize all the data repeatedly to text...

There are of course some stacks that have proven well (LAMP, for example) but usually these working stacks are very low level components (OS, Webserver, Database, Language) unlike above Hadoop example...

So I'd like to see a question if people experience stuff to break the more tools/libraries they use. No idea if this can be quantified easily, and if we can see a sweet spot before things begin to break too often.


You might want to ask about volunteering.
Do you spend significant amounts of time volunteering as a programmer?
a. 10+ hours per week
b. 10+ hours per month
c. 10+ hours per quarter
d. 10+ hours per year
e. I volunteer a significant amount of time, but not as a programmer
f. This answer provided for people who feel like their job is tricking them into working more than they're paid for
g. No

[Multiple Choice] What do you volunteer at?
a. Political campaigns or policitical organization
b. School or community organizations
c. Religious organizations
d. Disaster relief
e. Disease- or disorder-focused organization
f. Terror cell
g. Other

[Assign weights] What motivates your volunteering?
a. Our political leaders are travesties and embarrassments and I am committed to unseating them
b. A desire to be of service
c. To improve the entities of which I am a part
d. To meet or deepen my relationship with people
e. Per the terms of my release
f. For moral superiority
g. Other


How many hours a week do you work "off the clock" or otherwise outside of your expected work contribution?


Here are my suggestions:

How often do you buy a course about software development ?

  • once a month
  • 2-5 time per month
  • I never buy, I just read documentation and go to stackoverflow when it's need.

How many software development related event do you usually go in one year ?

  • None
  • 1-3
  • 4-6
  • 7+

About your immediate superior, he/she usually accepts your suggestions ?

  • Always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never

If your team uses Scrum, how long does your daily meeting last ?

  • 1-15 minutes
  • 15-30 minutes
  • 30-60 minutes
  • 1h+

While you're developing, which of the factors bellow are more annoying to you ?

  • Peoples talking around me
  • Uncomfortable chair
  • Slow pc
  • Slow internet
  • Frequent changes in the requirements
  • Leak of knowledge of your superiors about the software development process
  • A coworker who ask things you often
  • Work with poorly documented requirements

If you use pomodoro technique, what do you do in your break ?

  • Listen to music
  • Open social networks
  • Find something to buy
  • Get up and walk a little

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