That question was short, so it doesn't take long to read through it. It then doesn't take long to realize that it was a question in need of closure.
Even after the missing characters were corrected, that was an unclear question. Period. You made an answer, because you were positive you knew what the problem was, but you very well could have been wrong. You did not have enough information to know for sure what the OP was looking for, and what was wrong with it.
A user forgets something and then actually realise it and amends the question - but is still hammer closed and hammer deleted... I find that unfriendly.
First, "hammer" is a specific closing style: Gold tag-badges for duplicate closure. This was posted in a tag with plenty of eyes, and those eyes got there plenty fast. That's the way the system was intended, for questions to be able to be closed quickly to prevent answers. You happened to squeeze in your answer before the closure was done.
Second, there is no "hammer" deleted, not by our terms. There is quick deletion.
Third, moderating the site is not unfriendly. Moderating the site is what keeps the site clean, and keeps our quality high.
And finally, even with the missing characters added in, this question was very unclear. It still needed closed.
Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
That's the unclear close reason. There was no "specific problem" in that question, just a generic "it doesn't work."
Remember that being "new" and being "low rep" are never excuses to break the rules. This question was not in line with our rules, our quality standards, and so it was moderated. In a high-traffic tag, that doesn't take long. But also keep in mind that deletion is not the end for a question if the OP bothers to make the effort to fix the post.