I've noticed today that there's a lang-regex
option for the syntax highlighter listed on What is syntax highlighting and how does it work?
I tried adding it to some of my regex snippets. I was expecting something close to the highlighter in regex101 or similar sites (minus the explanations), but all it does is color the snippet red. bummer.
I don't think it is reverting to the default, because in that case it would color the snippet white instead. I think. Maybe.
So, my question is: did this highlighter ever work? If it's some bug with it, can it be fixed?
Note that I'm not asking whether this highlighter should be the default for the regex tag. I already know this is not a good idea.
in some contexts has to be written\"a-z\"\\n+
in some others. Highlighting regexes consequently needs to be done in two flavours (the escaping one and the non-escaping one).