I've stumbled upon a small issue today. A new user asked a question that clearly didn't fit SO's guidelines. Even though the question was clear, it was simply Too Broad.
I wanted to take some time to teach the user how to solve his issue. But as the user only has 1 rep and cannot join SO chat, there's no way to contact him.
So I've made an online collaborative editor on my server where I can invite a user to teach. The editor requires no registration or anything and cannot be used again after I closed it. There's no advertisement of any kind either.
Is it allowed to post a link towards this editor in the comments?
I'm asking because some other user joined it and called it advertising and stealing users from SO. While that's clearly not the intention and, since the room is destroyed after use and no registration is possible, technically not even possible.
Suggested duplicate: Should one advise on off-topic questions?
I agree the duplicate anwers most of my question. However, my specific question is if it's allowed to do this or not. Not whether it's advised to or not.