Assume that, there is a question posted,
I saw someone who has commented on that post,
I visited his profile,
I wondered about something,
I want to ask him something,
I can't find him on any of the chat rooms. The post (where I saw him commenting) is the only place to get in touch with him.
So, my question is, Can I post one or two off-topic comments on any threat to ask a user something?
For example, I saw a regex related question, where a user answered that question very brilliantly, And I just wanted to ask him that "What are the good resource to learn regex" or "From where you learned Regex?". Now, if I ask right in the comment section to his answer, then my comments will be off-topic. It is just an example, but the real case can be anything.
So, should I ask off-topic questions in comments?